Disappointing that this is the film Richard Ayoade makes his Hollywood debut with. IT Crowd, Boosh... brilliant. Generic buddy bonding movie with Stiller and Vaughn? Bleh.
Disappointing that this is the film Richard Ayoade makes his Hollywood debut with. IT Crowd, Boosh... brilliant. Generic buddy bonding movie with Stiller and Vaughn? Bleh.
Maybe they're tired of all the bloody filters. I know I bloody am.
Why oh why do these shows have to go so dark. The whole charm of the show is the interaction of the cast as they go about collecting the wacky and dangerous artifacts. Yes, there needs to be a big push so we have something to look forward to at the end of the season, but can we have normal Warehouse adventures the…
Somewhere in existence there are a series of "ooks" in outrage over this egregious misuse of books. Books are dangerous. To create a maze of books? I hope the Librarian sorts this out before it all goes horribly wrong.
An MMO with only a year's development? That should be entertaining.
So the personal decisions of adults to have themselves altered comparable to parents having their sub-5 years old girl's toes and feet broken, causing crippling agony, a lifetime of suffering, and the risk of infection or worse as a result. To compare the two does disservice to the victims of foot binding. Hardly an…
When you view your queue you can click where it says quality on each video and choose the format you want from the drop-down menu.
The program works alright for me though it should be pointed out that unless you want your ability to paste Youtube urls wherever you want taken away you will need to disable the auto pasting of your clipboard within the download program. Thought I was going to lose my mind before I found that option to turn off in…
Amazing how back in the day setting off nukes was such a casual event that they could set one off as a PSA.
Mockingjay has roughly half the number of pages, but it's getting two films. Seems highly unnecessary. Especially since Mockingjay is the weakest of the trilogy. The whole book just felt like it came out of left field compared to the previous two. Did not like.
I've never understood the complaining either. Facebook isn't business oriented. It's impractical, you can't trust their privacy changes, the site itself changes too much to be reliable, and you can't search through postings. Twitter is 140 char a message so that's out.
And now for a music moment
Get one of those wings suits and get dropped from high enough that you have to use an oxygen kit. See how far you can get before you go splat. Maybe devise a point system for targets to hit so spectators can play along.
"It's incredible that the government could spend $5billion on a failing design... and absurd that they'd stick with this long."
My clan had its own radio station for the same person for playing Day of Defeat
Running a shoutcast station was fun. I doubt I ever had more than 10 people listen in at a time, but it was still a fun experiment.
Makes me nostalgic for the midi period of online music downloading. Used to waste hours on midi sites gathering songs for a collection.
Magic doesn't need rules... stories do. Besides, that's part of the fun... learning the different systems of magic that authors come up with. At one end you have Terry Pratchett with a system of magic that is basically a perverted form of science. Then there's Jim Butcher with the Dresden series where magic is…
In the old days the plural of wizard was war.
Bah... others posted the exact same thing that I did.