
It's fine as long as they fix the heating issue.

I never read all the words, and I rarely remember everything. I try to read everything in a book, but I find myself skipping sentences and sometimes entire pages. I'll go and read the book again later and find interesting bits I missed out on the first time as a result. Still, it works for me.

It's HTML code. Thus working with HTML is coding. All programming is coding, but not all coding is programming.

Dunno what's more awesome... the vehicle or having the word scam in the name.

I'd stop being friends with him. There's just no helping some people.

SpaceX is the front for a grand New Morality conspiracy. We must resist!

I didn't mind replaying through Mass Effect, but I have yet to finish the first Dragon Age as a result of a hard-drive failure. I tried a couple times to get back into it, but I just can't bring myself to sludge through to get to where I was previously.

It's the analogue version of uncanny valley.

I feel like I'm walking into a trap since it was emphasized in the text, but I'm fairly certain the "it's" in the first paragraph should be the possessive. #corrections

I was thinking that it was more likely to be the Valiant.

StatCounter, the company responsible for the stats provided in the article, states that they take into account the pre-rendering by Chrome and adjust the stats accordingly. It's specifically addressed at []

That game exists... it's called Half-Life

The only thing more annoying than a person who beats around the bush to ask for a favor is the one who does it in such a way to make it sound like they're doing you a favor.

You're completely right, but the problem is that the first one was so great because it was a simple pirate adventure. The pirate-y feel was lost in the sequels because they became such grand, dark, complex, and mystical stories. We wanted Yo Ho Ho! and a bottle of rum.

Awful third movies I would have included... Jurassic Park 3, Aliens 3, TMNT 3, Godfather 3, and one other one that escapes me.

Yeah, I don't really get why people rave about it. It's the weakest of the Potter films I thought. I quite disliked it.

Now playing

This article is completely untrue. None of that is the internet. This is the internet.

I believe one of the rewards for donating is a dvd of the series. They cannot sell them, however, but I guess giving them as a reward is acceptable. /shrug

They banned it briefly 2 years ago. There's no rule against using AIOSEO at all on Dreamhost.

Pfft... Bears are the kings. They used to stage pit fights between lions and bears during the Gold Rush, and the bears won handily.