
It's amazing how people have such low disregard for the site yet they keep coming here repeatedly. As you point out it's a news blog. I don't know why people can't get that.

No. When you buy the game you get the first 30 days free. So you still have to purchase the game.

The donators want to do the right thing. They're not the ones they're worried about lying. It's the partners lying to the donators that are the concern.

The Red Cross isn't a fan of it either. They and other organizations support a deferral period in which donators such as gay men could still donate blood, but they would face a one year wait period from the last time they had sex with a man before they could donate.

There's only so much well water. Also, until the oceans move to the midwest, yes we do need to be situated on the coasts.

It's completely silly that this isn't something that has done before now. As the article points out, cities have been doing this in essence since many cities simply dump the effluent in rivers which is the source of their own drinking water. It's called Unplanned Indirect Potable Use. Cities along the Mississippi have

It's especially silly when you consider that the water you are drinking has animal pee in it. For some reason, we're okay with water that has all sorts of things including animal waste, but for some reason when it's our own waste, suddenly it's too gross.

I agree completely. It's just as annoying as when prats complain in school about "when am I ever going to use..." It's as if knowledge was something important if you can find a use for it at the moment you are exposed to it. Willful ignorance is so infuriating.

I'm excited about it. I'm surprised it didn't make the list, but then again, the failure to include the last of the Wheel of Time books shows the list contains some major oversights.

Didn't know Pratchett was working on a SF novel. Apparently the one out this year is just one of two he is working on. That's quite exciting.

You didn't even check his link did you? Ulcers are caused by bacteria. Stress can exacerbate an ulcer, but it cannot cause one. A simple course of antibiotics can cure it.

All three of those can affect the immune system, but you're talking an excessive amount. A surly winter filled with meals of comfort foods aren't going to do anything. But a person who is obese, leads a sedentary lifestyle, and suffers from chronic stress? That immune system is working its butt off.

I had a neighbour who refused to go outside with wet hair when it was cold because a combination of being wet and cold would guarantee she would come down with something. Some people believe silly things.

It is recommended that you wake a concussed person every couple hours to see if they awake easily as that is a simple test to make sure the person's condition hasn't worsened.

If you already have the virus then you're sick. At that point, the being cold is just assisting in making the symptoms more apparent I should think.

I wasn't aware of the existence of the Discworld game. I'm gonna have to check that out if I can find it somewhere. I could use me some Discworld loving in PC format.

And where has it been said anywhere that they aren't going to fix it?

Taking advantage of exploits is against the rules. It's that way on many, if not most, MMOs.

Everyone says just fix the problem. Sure, that's easy. They'll just toss in a few lines of code and bam!

Yeah, I got really confused for a moment cause I just finished watching the season finale of season 4. Then I remembered it does air here in the States... just a season behind. You will enjoy this new episode, and you will absolutely love the season.