A white-washed live-action Shrek? Sure, why not?
A white-washed live-action Shrek? Sure, why not?
At this point it's nearly a lost cause, but basically anything put in the 5 - 7 - 5 that we use is senryu. Senryu is a haiku-like poem that is used for comedic purpose. Haiku is no more than 17 syllables and is used to describe a specific "moment" making sure to involve nature in some way.
Actual haiku is complex. 90% of haiku you see online including posted here is senryu and not haiku.
Back in my day an aquarium was a free to use screensaver. Dang kids nowadays with their fancy iPads and eff two pees.
I don't really understand your point. There is no harm in allowing people to make informed decisions. Just because they choose to not always take the safe option is no reason to not give them the information at all. The CDC wants labels to advise people to cook their raw cookie dough. How that translates to texting…
This isn't about risk assessment. It's about informing those who were unaware that there is a risk, however small, in consuming store-bought cookie dough raw. Considering how many people commenting here keep going on about the eggs despite the article pointing out it's the flour that is the culprit, it seems a…
Flour is the only non-pasteurized ingredient in the cookie dough. The flour is the only raw one so it is the flour that is the risk. As far as how the flour gets e coli could be any number of scenarios. It would be from animals that are in the area from where the grains are harvested. It could be contaminated water…
I typed out this big old response with fun factual information regarding quarantines, the history of influenza and the CDC, and it all was for nothing as I seem to have accidentally deleted it all. Overly sensitive trackpad + big hands = soul crushing loss of text. Trust me though... you would have been entertained…
You apparently did not watch the episode nor any of the previous ones. You completely misrepresented the situation of the episode and the show. Yeesh.
Damn things aren't even haiku. Senryu, yes. Haiku, no.
I agree. We've got Bill Bailey on the Christmas episode. Let's get Craig for season 7.
The ruling by the 9th Circuit Court states that the use of non-lethal force such as pepper spray is a violation of protestors' rights. It makes no statement about limits as to how the spray is applied. The Q-Tip situation is misleading as they were applied to the corners of eyes that were closed. The Court ruled that…
The law disagrees with you.
You read it correctly. The actions by the police at UC Davis violated their own guidelines. The reason the kids at the campus were in trouble is because of the tents they had erected. Like the cities around the country, UC Davis was using the placing of the tents as the excuse to clear our protestors. The students sat…
Except that when the Marines are sent in to a situation it is not unexpected that they will face a situation where they might need it. It's a bit different when you're discussing campus police facing students sitting on the ground with the arms locked. Pepper spray was intended for non-lethally controlling violent…
Actually, studies detailing the lasting effects of pepper spray usage are very few. Most studies are considered uninformative as the information gathered from reports of actual usage tend to be incomplete. There have been several recorded instances of pepper spray causing injuries and death amongst those suffering…
I'm putting my money on Craig Ferguson. It won't happen, but I wish it would. He would be an amazing Doctor.
The library was the only time Tennant saw her. Mostly due to the fact that she "died" on the episode. Twas his first time meeting her, and it was her last time. Thus the mixed up timey-wimey silliness began.
Yeah, it was forced upon me some time during the week. I was quite confused as I didn't recall seeing it announced anywhere. I don't like it, but then I'm not big on changes in general.
It was a bit annoying using a saber and not killing everything you touched with it, but it's not as bad as it was in KOTOR. The problem with a "DP" system is that it would work for PVP content, but I can't see how it would work for PVE content.