
Well, if you're going to make a comedic map like this a bit more effort would have been nice. For Texas, all we got was killer bees. Not to mention the dozen or so zombie _________. I'd give this map 3/10.

It's awe-inspiring to think that we are able to deduce so much information from tiny specks of light in the night's sky. The cameras NASA and others use are technological marvels. Between the wonders of space and of technology I could never make it as an astro-anything. I would just walk around slack-jawed in awe the

Nope. I reside in the state of Texas. I'm just a big fan of the instrument. Ordered one online one night while drinking, and it became a torrent love affair.

And to top off the war... just in time for things to start winding down the 1918 Influenza outbreak hit and decimated the populations. What made it especially bad was that it targeted its lethality on the young adults... the same age as those fighting. The influenza outbreak lowered the overall life expectancy by

Statham is this generation's king of cheesy action movies. Transformers 4 & 5 would be perfect for him. As long as you go in expecting it, I think it's enjoyable. I wouldn't pay to see it in a theater, but sitting at home it's fun to watch absurd action films on occasion.

I just get worried when I see Bryan Singer and the word reboot in the same sentence. I still haven't forgiven him for Superman, and now he's gonna work his magic on BSG? I'll hope for the best, but I'm worried.

So Zombieland was originally supposed to be a television program that became a movie. After the success of Zombieland I recall reading that because it was supposed to be a tv program, the writers had tons of story ideas so they could see making several sequels. Then I hear that there wouldn't be a Zombieland 2 because

I agree completely. "I hate this guy... he's a jerk, and etc." Yet people keep paying to see his movies. He's not looking for adoration... he's looking for money, and you people keep giving it to him. You want him to stop? Stop supporting his crap movies.

Just wanted to give you props for the most rational reaction to the article. I thought the article was perfectly fine, and as a PC gamer I am annoyed with the knee-jerk reaction so many have decided to display.

I haven't been able to watch the new episodes. It's too bloody depressing watching Sarah Jane Smith. Too bad to since I quite like the series. Dunno why it bothers me so much. I was never familiar with the character or the actress until the last year or so.

Gawker says the whole thing is cancelled so it's all moot now. Let the status quo continue on.

Until I read your comment it's what I thought it said as well.

Only way I could think to do this accurately was to think up a list of my top 10 favorite games and then give them an honest appraisal. None of them are shit though. I find that I can like games that suck, but to say that I love them? Not so much.

They went the extra mile and added something they were probably paid to add since it's nothing but a marketing gimmick. It was added to get Halo fans to buy Forza and to advertise Halo to Forza fans who may not play Halo. Extra mile implies something done as extra. The Halo warthog has been heavily promoted. It's a

I have always considered the first Ghostbusters to be a prequel. Ghostbusters 2 was actually a sequel. We just never got to see the one in the middle that had the Ghostbusters at their height. We had the beginning, the comeback, but never the meat.

I always thought Ewoks were a metaphor for the Viet Cong.

This article is quite silly. Obviously, the best solution is to take an empty jar, fill it with bees, and keep your card in there. That way, you have to really really REALLY want to spend the money before you're going to be willing to open the jar and stick your hand in it.

The problem is that they did not have Sergeant Colon of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch on guard to prevent the bridge from being stolen. He is renown throughout the Discworld for his careful guarding of bridges to prevent theft, because when you want to prevent theft you have to think big. Oh how we readers laughed at

I live in Texas. Why the hell am I only hearing about this now? Anything that can overpower fire ants is something to be wary of. Ick.

I'm conflicted... Kotaku says get the game. Ars says it's a piece of pretty rubbish. Who should I believe more? Quick... someone hit me over the head with a brick.