Ugh, I had forgotten about that. My eyes are bleeding now. Though I do think it necessary to also mention Weird Al's Jurassic Park video. It deserves an honorable mention.
Ugh, I had forgotten about that. My eyes are bleeding now. Though I do think it necessary to also mention Weird Al's Jurassic Park video. It deserves an honorable mention.
Greatest dinosaur themed music video of all time
I had the sound off to watch the video. I assumed the only reason that the video would go on for so long was because rather than actually seeing what was claimed it would be some scary looking monster accompanied by a loud scream meant to scare people. I'm actually more disappointed it was real.
I had assumed this was going to be yet another propaganda article written by our secret feline overlords, but the advice of teaching a cat to shake hands screwed that up. That's an excellent list, though I think my cat would be terrified by a litter box with a ventilation system.
Actually, what he wrote was not a haiku at all. What he wrote was senryu. Also the 5-7-5 structure is incorrect as is Gabe's statement of a rigid structure. Haikus are known for not having a rigid structure. The only the expectations for haiku is that they do not exceed 17 syllables, and that they involve nature.…
These movies are perfect... why remake them? Part of what makes them amazing is that as classics you have the charm of their awfulness. Could you match the charm of Val Kilmer in Real Genius? I can't imagine how. A Freejack without Mick Jagger is a Freejack I don't want to have in existence. And the Goonies... THE…
How could you not like Demolition Man? It was a world controlled by Taco Bell. Sounds heavenly to me.
They had the potential to do something like that with The Dresden Files. Course, the alienated a lot of the fans of the novels by changing it up a ton, but the show did last a couple seasons I believe so the potential is there.
Does Alien Nation count as an alien police procedural?
But I like NCIS...
I saw a documentary on cyborgs once. I think Angelina Jolie was in it.
And each of those versions usually include someone in the comment sections claiming that scientists were paid to not research it themselves by drug companies so that's why the game was created as a way to get around the conspiracy. Conspiracy theories are fun. (and insane.)
I am confused. How does one become too conventional? He's an author. He writes books. Books are meant to be read. So he's written a book that will possibly have more readers than previous ones. That's supposed to be a bad thing? Is there a science fiction hipster community that I have been unaware of?
I can't stop watching it. Tis my favorite song from the Simpsons.
How does the new and invite-only service get the most votes? Or are we voting based off the description of the service?
"I do feel we're trying to keep it in the spirit of the book" means we're going to do whatever we like and call it World War Z because you ticket buyers are stupid and will go see the movie even if you hate it afterwards.
He would have had my vote. Tony Todd is amazing in everything he does. His brief cameo in Psych was awesome as well.
Why would it be over? The movie a generic and overrated story. Some people actually choose to dislike something because they actually did not like it, not because it's popular to dislike it.
I don't understand why people like Michelle at all. Other than Girlfight, has she been in a good movie?
I still remember the piano moving I helped a friend do nearly 12 years ago. It's definitely something that sticks with you. That said, I miss having a piano to play. I self-taught myself the little that I can play, but there's nothing quite like sitting at the piano and just tinkering away. Such a relaxing activity.