
I have a friend who buys mouthpieces on Ebay. He'll use them for about a month or so, and then he resells them. Apparently this is quite a common practice as people just keep trying out mouthpieces repeatedly in the hope that they find the perfect one for them. Personally, I can't really tell the difference, but

Self-teaching only really works if you are both self-motivated and have lots of self-discipline. FB's idea is not a bad one. Being in college you have the good fortune to be surrounded by poor music students who would probably be willing to give lessons on the instrument of your choice for a little bit of money.

He saved Amy. Old Amy thus never existed. It's not murder under any definition. The lie was forced on him by old Amy. Even at the end when she remembered everything she loved about Rory, the Doctor, and living on the Tardis, she was still incapable of doing the right thing.

I'm using Firefox 9

Saving young Amy means that old Amy will not exist. Young Amy won't be on the station for nearly 40 years. There literally cannot be an old Amy if the young Amy is saved.

I don't understand all the anger towards the Doctor over this. Yes, he lied. Yes, he locked Amy out. But what else was he supposed to do? You can't have two Amy's. That's all there is to it. And the older Amy was not going to help save the young Amy unless she thought she could be saved as well. Was it a harsh thing

9th Doctor lied to Rose when he tricked her and sent her home in the last episode of that season. 10th lied to Martha several times about his past. But that's really all I can think of.

I like Rex and hated useless Esther so that worked for me. The whole Danes thing was just dumb. Just one of many pointless things included in the series for no real reason.

Call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure that half a dozen cop cars with their sirens going is going to be heard long before they arrive outside the house. Bad guys are going to be listening for something like sirens. They're not going to be surprised when they can hear the sirens gradually get louder as they get closer.

I think the onion metaphor is off a little. The show is definitely an onion, but it's not just one layer. It's many different layers collected from different onions taped together into an onion shape with a salt-water taffy core.

To be fair, the real thing wasn't always that good either. The first two seasons were inconsistent episode to episode. But even the lamest episode is better than what we just experienced.

Yeah. Every time I format I marvel at how quickly Windows boots up. Then I start installing everything, and my desire to restart my computer ever again goes away.

I'm getting a hardcore case of deja-vu going.

That's over simplifying things. I've built every computer I've owned, and I built the ones for friends and family over the years. Each one had its quirks. Hitting the power button for the first time will always be something I dread. Not to mention that cases are cramped and annoying places with plenty of sharps edges

I agree considering the state of manned space operations. By the time we get around to actually going to Mars the terraforming might actually be complete. =/

Depending on the time of the power outage...

Just depends on when you intend to use it. Against scouts and spotters with plenty of time, the system would fail on the basis you mention. In the hectic moments prior to, during, and following combat, the system could be a benefit since it's hard enough keeping track of everything going on even without the adaptive

Update: According to the Statesman, the original request for assistance was for 25 additional fire fighters to be attained, but that the internet took it and spun it out of proportions as the internet tends to do with these things.

I'm worried for you. In fact... I'm a bit bug eyed at the idea.