
I’m a die hard manual fan but for slow speed crawling/technical terrain torque converters make life a lot easier. No burning the clutch and no loss of torque while shifting at really low speeds means no loss of momentum. The same reason torque converters exist in the first place is what makes them very useful for

Is mountain climbing worth it? Free climbing? Cave diving? Motorcycle racing? Wingsuiting? All activities plenty of people do without any likelihood of a world record that they consider worth it.

  • Used by the general public.


Are you ok?

Yeah the bit where you pop a victory wheelie and he immediately pans away to discuss the AC vent is gold hahaha

Every Sherpa blanket will eventually wind up full of crumbs, hair, and various detritus. Anything that is impossible to clean properly - is gross.

Every Sherpa blanket will eventually wind up full of crumbs, hair, and various detritus. Anything that is impossible

This is the kind of joke a creepy uncle makes about his nieces after picking them up from soccer practice and then goes “hurrrr nobody gets humor anymore!”

These sorts of AWD systems are designed to get Mom unstuck from her snowy parking spot outside of soccer practice, not smoothly initiate oversteer while hooning a sports car in the snow. 

This is a bad take Matt. This is like saying “Ski Resort Runs are too Steep.”

Everyone reclines on transatlantic flights because they’re not mouth-breathing fools too afraid of hurting some delicate calustrophobes personal space to in order to get some sleep. Works great.

Lol. “And then one man stood up and started slow clapping, leading the whole cabin in a proletarian victory cheer! That mans name? Morgan Freeman.”

So people can sleep on redeyes and long distance flights. It used to be people knew the ropes. You recline a little or not much during the “awake” time, meals etc, and then when they dim the lights and the blankets come out it’s a no-holds-barred recline fest and everyone reclines - which makes it a lot easier to bare

It can’t lubricate motorcycle chains well - in fact it ruins them - much to the chagrin of countless home motorcycle mechanics and the enjoyment of countless professional ones.

Likely because spending one’s days endlessly ruminating only on worthy topics such as existential threats to health and humanity as a whole is a great way to turn into a disenchanted, anxiety-ridden pessimist who never gets invited to parties.

Yeah right, spooky skeletons dead from vaccine death can’t write internet comments.

The guy is like normal gym rat guy size but extra dehydrated and lean ahead of a photoshoot. Asbolutely not requiring a studio team to reach this level of fitness, just requires giving two shits about a diet and working out 4-5 days a week.

If you think steroids are required for that result I can imagine you don’t see the inside of many gyms.

That doesn’t always happen. I literally do not care if someone fraudulently hits my credit card, that’s Chases problem not mine, I’ll never pay a dollar of it. Chase just says “oh sorry, we’ll cancel that charge while we investigate.”