
The rationale is clear.

Folgers: The high protein brand!

They use facial biometrics at UK and EU customs desks, so ok then.

You essentially cannot fly to any other major industrialized nation without being subject to facial recognition at this point so enjoy never crossing a border or taking steamship I guess.

As someone that’s travelled all over the world, to many large cities, with large bustling public transport systems - NYCs is by far the worst to learn as a visitor. Seriously, it’s a f**king disaster.

They also weigh a ton more.

Meanwhile the Subaru Crosstrek has 140 horsepower. You’d be INSANE to buy an XV over this. The NA Subarus are such unrepentant dogs on the road it pains me they sell so well.

Carbon fiber has massive capacity for heat and cold - it’s the resins that are the trouble. With the right resin/matrix, they have no trouble with heat.


If you just treat milk like any other dairy product milk is fine - great even when cookies or coffee or whatever else are involved.

To be fair as cool as the option would be this might not be a great application for a manual. The kind of low speed crawling/off-roading a big diesel helps with I feel like is easier and better with a torque converter in the mix - especially paired with any sort of electronic driver aids. A big torquey diesel, low

Re: ASBM’s

Your car has a spec for what thickness to replace pads at. Find it, measure them, not too complicated...

It’s not a mini-suitcase, it’s a carry-on, and backpacks go under the seat in front of you.

Buy they wouldn’t/ can’t. The aerodynamics would likely be unsafe and the engines are so specialized it could lead to turbine/compressor damage.

And the Chinese know how to sink them/put them out of action. Let’s not kid ourselves.

Not at all, the SR-71 can’t even crack Mach 1 at sea level. The engines, airframe, aerodynamics are all designed for flying halfway to space. They don’t work well at all close to the ground. 450 knots in fact, not much faster than a 737:

Here’s another discussion on the topic where someone states that the F-14, which was designed as a high speed interceptor, topped out at about Mach 1.2 on the deck.

When I looked my first thought was the Starfighter, but according to sources I found, it’s rated at Mach 1.13, not Mach 1.3 at sea level. 860mph is a long way off 1000mph.