
Somebody is going to have so much fun with this!


Hell, I’m kind of surprised the other party was a woman.

As a follower of christ, I had to take quick decisive action and cut off an old lady to get the spot closest to the front of the grocery store. It’s what the lord wanted for my kids.

this is a good primer for a deeper understanding of marilyn monroe and what she meant/means to the culture. she was a good actor!

......thank you for this.......what were the odds? Marilyn Monroe and Bette Davis in the same movie? Probably Bette’s best film (although I’ve never seen “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?”)...........

I’m so damn happy to have Shade Court back in my life!

Keep me from being deposed.

“Thank you, Mr. Fabian.”

It will just be Hilary constantly saying “I’d like to give my time to Mr. Trump to continue what he was just saying.”

Kara, during the debates, I hope there will lots of special political editions of Shade Court! Also Ryan Lochte, you suck!

Marilyn had talent, Kanye. Sit the fuck down, clown.

Yeah, those tweets scream ‘send help’ or ‘ fufilling parole conditions'.

Let’s be real, it’s also Botox. Wrinkles are caused by overworked muscles and less collagen production as you age. If your muscles are never overworked, you don’t get wrinkles. JLO seems to have found the perfect level of restraint on the visits to her derm/plastic surgeon.


I was out with some friends last weekend and was going to show them a picture from my phone, but noticed that I was wearing the same shirt then as I was in the picture. Scrolled through a few more pics and realized that I only own one shirt...and it’s not even a very good one.

I am still salty that this dress sold out so quickly at LK Bennett. They have made different versions of it in the past couple years but they are not as good as the original. It's so cute and also can I please have her shiny princess hair?

obviously she’s a princess and has a great life going but i wonder if sometimes she wants to say fuck it and wear 10 year old sweats with holes in them and drink bad wine and chainsmoke her bad mood away. she’s always so put together. seems exhausting.