
I think that movie is one of Cage’s best.  I get why it’s not everyone’s cuppa though.

Wow, how jaded is this place that the premise of Indiana Jones fighting secret Fourth Reich Nazis on the moon receives nothing but cynical eye-rolling and moaning. That actually sounds pretty cool to me. 

I think it’ll be…fine.

Hey! Don’t you dare go after Volunteer Proofreader’s job!

he wanted someone besides his film studies classmates and professor to have to hear it

I didn’t realize it was Opposite Day

Mariska Hargitay might have gotten some benefit from her mother being an actress, but I’m thinking being a child in the backseat of the car Mansfield was decapitated in might take the shine off that a little.

Oh well, Sydney Sweeney would like to trade careers with you.

Thanks Racj82 your support is really appreciated. 

The whole thing reminded me of The Dark Knight Rises... overlong, overwrought. None of the scenes flow and pace is virtually non-existent. Characters making portentous speeches that add up to nothing. An antagonist (lopsidedly) way more interesting and charismatic than any protagonist.

On behalf of my screenwriting students, respectfully go fuck yourself.

“Black men who don’t think like me are white men” - White guy on white people blog comment section

Yeah I loved Mother! and thought it was some great acting from her 

Spoiler alert:  Luke is alive and living in Vhagar’s stomach, Pinocchio style. We’ll see him again. 

This show had a ton of great elements mixed into a really, severely underbaked narrative. I don’t mind so much things like the show’s extremely flimsy grasp of any part of the legal profession (although it is annoying that their approach seeemed to be “we learned everything we know from watching Law & Order, but we

Am I the only that think this is like the muppet episode of Community in season 4?

There are no 600 pound actors with any kind of profile in the industry, and like he said, the issues with casting someone who actually weighed 600 pounds would be prohibitive. Aranofsky also has to make his investor’s money back, therefore you need a known name to put on the poster. I don’t have a problem with them

Its just a shame to think of all the gay, 600lb actors who lost out on this role.

I’m starting to wonder if I even care.
