
Honestly, god help anyone who says ANYTHING about her if we’re referring to that Jo Koy joke as “cringe-worthy.” It was not a good joke. It was barely a joke. But my goodness, is it being blown so absurdly out of proportion. “Taylor Swift is dating an NFL star and gets shown on TV a bunch.” Oh, what a diss to Tay-Tay.

He either looks like Kevin Hart or like Sugar Ray Leonard.

I don’t understand why this is even controversial. It’s an adaptation of something that already existed before Gerwig sat down to write it. She used several characters that previously existed she did not create. It’s an adaptation.

So it’s more realistic for them to be speaking English with a fake Uruguayan accent than to just be speaking English? 

Can we stop with the bizarre hang-wringing about The Marvels? Look at how apologetic the writers are about labeling it disappointing. “Perhaps no other film had a steeper road to climb this year than The Marvels,” it begins, unconvincingly. Then it blames the rest of the MCU (despite literally every MCU movie doing

It’s pretty simple. Because The Marvels is a failure on the level of what theatrical Marvel movies are supposed to be. And is troubling from the point of view of the health of their entire market segment.

You may be thinking of the movie Paterson, starring Adam Driver as a bus driver named Paterson who lives in Paterson, NJ and quite likes Paterson, the epic poem by W.C. Williams.

One of the things that made Catch-22 such a fantastic book.

Ouch that means she’s a big fan of sexual assault.

a person he will likely spend the rest of his life with.”

Well, it’s a trial for a specific set of crimes, not a lifetime achievement award. 

Do you ever have one of those days when you think you’re a real journalist but then you just make up shit that no one cares about?

Condemning Israel makes you anti-Semitic

I don’t understand the fretting over this show’s morals. The contestants aren’t being put in real danger, which makes it as morally dubious as every other reality show that points at contestants embarrassing themselves for a shot at a big prize. That The Challenge is a spin-off of a show that was explicitly

Zaslav is awful in many ways, but I think that when he said “overpaying”, he just meant “paying writers more than I absolutely need to” in an economic sense, not “paying writers more than what they deserve” in a moral sense.

Yeah, what cunt decided that?

“We plan to demonstrate in court, undeniably and irrefutably, that bitches be whack.”

Eckhart seems like a nice guy but I have heard he can be kind of two faced.