
It’s a Cypress Hill reference that made me laugh... which makes this video have more value than 99 per cent of this website.

100% Fresh is one of the best movies of the last decade-- let alone one of the best stand-up specials. Also Hitler’s Dog is a million times better than Norm’s last special. 

Let’s get real. She was very talented but grasping— completely shit on opportunities people would kill for— while also sacrificing relationships and general decency to get those opportunities— then verbally abuses both people trying to help her and someone who (while oblivious) did somewhat understand how to play the

Remind me. How old was she when she first worked with Celine Sciamma? And how long before they got into a relationship? Was that predatory too? Will people ever address that? Or does that not fit into the narrative?

Seated behind the cameras as Kristen flubs her Mega Girls lines, Sally watches as her only pupil blows the chance that Sally never got.”

Not much snark in this one, huh?

Yes. All I could think when I saw the Black Adam trailer was... uhm... isn’t Edward Norton supposed to be in this?

Cuban means you were born in Cuba. There are black people who are Cuban, white people who are Cuban, asian people who are Cuban. Ana de Armas is white. So white in fact that she can play Marilyn Monroe.

miscegenation— so yucky!

Fucking exactly. Ignoring the fact that she was obviously attracted to Gendry in the earlier seasons... what would make someone think she was into girls? That she was a tomboy and liked to fight with swords? Huh?

A young composer is adapting an interesting film from a major arthouse director as an opera, homaging a still popular rock star whose fame and suicide have already inspired hundreds of works of art... for some reason. 

So Will Smith had to make a fool of himself and Rock publicly? They couldn’t talk about it backstage? I’d still bet that Rock wasn’t aware of the alopecia before he made that harmless joke.

Judging by these comments, I can’t wait for the dozens of articles proclaiming how Chris Rock was actually in the wrong for making a toothless joke about Jada looking like one of the most beautiful women in the world and getting slapped for it. He’s a bully, right? ‘Cause everybody knew about her alopecia waaaaay

It’s three films? I thought -and was hoping- it’d be just two.

He has repeatedly said that he thinks Escape from LA is better than Escape from NY so... I don’t think he’s joking...

She was really unforgettable in the film. RIP. 

Gotta love the guys from Jackass and their flagrant disregard for what’s safe or reasonable. A normal person might say “no, it’s far too dangerous to try and take Spider-Man: No Way Home’s place at the top of the U.S. box office charts,” but not Johnny Knoxville. He stared straight into what should’ve been his doom

How every dialogue written by Bendis in a post-Ultimate Spider-Man super-hero comic reads like—