
Didn’t something like this happen to Brian Wilson also?

They just couldn’t resist making a catty pun on this “very sad” story.

I just made almost the exact same ridiculous comment in jest. Jeez. I should’ve gone with the /s tag, I guess.

She must hate women.

Just don’t think about it! 

Thanks! I was thinking that mutants in the films will probably be characters from other dimensions living in the main MCU— which would make sense since they have to hate them for some reason.

Hello, resident comics expert. Can you give me a quick rundown on what the heck happened in Secret Wars? Or what happened leading up to it? I read it and enjoyed it somewhat but was so confused the whole time because I hadn’t read any of the thousands of Hickman comics that preceded it.

I don’t mind her character beats; just her mediocre performance. It should have been someone with as much charisma as Hiddleston— which is a tall order but don’t they have all the money in the world? They could’ve cast literally almost anybody instead of going with an unknown that ultimately didn’t really cut it.

What the fuck is this reply? Lol.

I really enjoyed the Tony Scott remake of this too.

Is that a picture of Joe Quesada?

Why is everything a goddamn fucking slideshow? It looks awful.

Why no Mike D’Angelo? :(

I’m not mad. Just letting you know that you’re talking out of your ass (like usual).

Do you even know who Albert Serra is? You’re assuming this is some sort of straight porno flick or something when it’s closer to something like (and some might even say more transgressive than) Salo. I hated the flick because it’s really tedious to sit through. There is a lot of gay sex too if that makes any sort of

Outside of the night’s biggest award...

Yes. He is dead.

Bautista himself had two grandkids before the age of 40.

No Direction Home may be Scorsese’s best documentary. The second part of it is masterful storytelling.

He’s setting up the sequel.