
Didn’t Kelly Marie Tran close her account because of the constant harassment? 

lol this thread is reeking with sexism and intelectual arrogance

How wasn’t I earnest? I believe what I said about the film. You aren’t engaging with anything I said (how is my take “clumsy”?); you’re just implying I am sexist or that I’m trying to intentionally rattle people. Or maybe I’m just not getting your “you can always tell” original post.

Yeah, I guess I over-snarked but who hasn’t in the AV Club. I did mention positives (Rian Johnson’s direction, Kylo Ren and Rey’s relationship, the metatextual commentary about the franchise needing to let go of the past) but overall I think that it’s not good (which is what I said I thought people had come to realize)

Leia in space is just weird and most people I have talked to agree with that. It looks funny. Maybe I’m hanging with the wrong people. Didn’t know about those polls; I just felt the tide turning against the movie. I guess I’m in the minority.

I wouldn’t say I “lambasted” it but I can say there have been two kinds of replies to my -pretty mild- comment: people accusing me of secretly being sexist or people defending the points I talked about in my post. The first kind of reply is panic. The second is just a conversation and that’s what movies are about. Why

I forgive you. I’m sorry my opinion reminded you of posts by other people that had nothing to do with me. 

Does Holdo hold Leia’s opinion in high regard? Why wouldn’t she believe her if she vouches for him?

No, I was mostly talking about the fact that 89% of your comments around here are being catty about Bad Opinions. 

I am excited about episode IX. Nothing is ruined. It’s just one movie. I mean, The Last Jedi is gold compared to Attack of the Clones. Star Wars will probably keep going no matter how bad the individual films are.

Yeah, I was specifically thinking of that opening prank phone-call.

I guess I just didn’t buy that they wouldn’t tell Poe when it was clear it was creating conflict. They establish that he has close relationships with command and that -even though he’s a hot-head- they generally trust him. In fact, because he’s a hot-head and most likely not a traitor, they should’ve known better. I

Do you like Ghostbusters? It was pretty bad. I love the new Doctor Who, though! Is that credential enough for you to take my opinion on Star Wars earnestly? 

Yeah, probably should’ve started off the original post differently. I just didn’t want to imply I thought no-one could like the film, that’s why I added that it’s just my opinion in the follow up. I just don’t understand why not liking the film for reasons that have nothing to do with the political commentary around it

Do you copy and paste your replies or just type identical remarks in every single post across the kinjasphere?

Now playing

Here’s the mom scene. Although it may be intentionally antagonizing her as an over-bearing parent, it’s definitely more than three lines and it brings up a relative who had a positive experience with an abortion.

I found The Force Awakens much, much more fun. This one was kind of a bummer actually. The comedy stuff didn’t work as well and some parts dragged. Anyway it’s just my opinion. 

OK. I thought we had moved on from all the political stuff and generally both acknowledged that, yes, The Last Jedi was not a good film, and that hardcore Star Wars fans are the worst. Laura Dern is fine in it but her conflict with Oscar Isaac is an idiot plot that feels forced and -after the reveal- borderline

Maybe moving over to the Distinguished Competition helped him but his later work at Marvel was some of the worst, most lazily written superhero comics I’ve read in years.