
You’re making a lot of sense actually. I’d be surprised if Jacques Demy for example wasn’t a reference for Anderson’s new French movie or even all of his movies. Classical musicals -think Minelli- have a feeling of artificiality and clockwork-like precision that has a lot in common with Wes Anderson’s movies.

Since hotdog is technically a sandwich, these kinds of ideological arguments are very appealing, but, by that logic, are hamburgers sandwiches? 

Thunderpants is a 2002 British-German family film about a boy whose incredible capacity for flatulence gets him a job as an astronaut.” Amazing!

Care to elaborate? 

Crystal Skull is amazing. I saw it at the cinema and was everything I hoped it would be. The sci-fi stuff can seem a little bit jarring for some, but it made perfect sense to me that they were riffing off Cold War-era B-movies. It’s a really fun film and I don’t know why people shit on it so much. I prefer it to

Guy is making insinuations in public about having sex with his wife. Kim can speak for herself and did eventually release her own statement denying a relationship with Drake. Even so, Cannon said Drake “probably smashed her” in a radio program. Kanye isn’t threatening anybody nor going apeshit; he’s just saying stop

He also supposes his toeses are roses but he supposes erroneously.

Now playing

Bob Dylan’s recently released version of the English ballad “Pretty Saro” is amaaaaaaaazing:

You’re 100% right; that track is monumental. 

I won’t defend Allen but Moses does bring up a LOT of examples of psychological abuse and even physical abuse imparted on them by Farrow. If the philosophy behind metoo is to always believe the victim...

I think he is making fun of the “wise-beyond-her-years” labels the media gives to famous 30-somethings, when really they’re just as lost as everybody else.

Does that “What Women Want” really look smarter than Mel Gibson’s original? Or are they both equally inane?

oh, it was cromulent, was it? well, with praise like that...

came here to make the exact same post; like, isn’t the “real monster” in every zombie apocalypse story the actual survivors? 

Dude, if you think Phantom Thread is “a pile of garbage”, I don’t know what to tell you...

So you’re old.

lol calm down

Mother is a re-married lesbian with cuckoo in-laws.

This film is VERY GOOD.