
Shocking that the ‘if you don’t see my movie you’re a homophobic bigot who voted for Trump’ ad campaign isn’t working

I miss Dennis Perkins.

The show would 100% have been more fun if it actually was a Ken Burns documentary

Super nova take: Season 6 of Community was actually good

Weird response man. But I do know for a fact that you are a toxic creep so I’m inclined to believe you’re also projecting about the “grooming incel” bit as well since that certainly doesn’t apply to me.

Look, I wish recognitions would get eaten alive by a pack of rabid badgers as much as the next guy, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Next she’s doing Flowers In The Attic

Literally a made up lie from a right-wing blog who claimed she was 10 years older than the year of the incident. She touched her sister when she was a 7 year old.

But they don’t all try to turn slave-traders into heroes.

I don’t know, folks, I’m not sure this show is receiving quite enough coverage. I think a “For Your Consideration: Does HotD’s Problematic History with LGBT+ Inclusion Mean There Aren’t Enough Burning Questions to Go Around?” might be necessary. Or has anyone asked Olivia Wilde or Ezra Miller what they think of HotD?

Shoulda been Call Me A Taxi, amirite?

Although I often find his films high-handed and hectoring (especially the Maoist-period stuff), he was undeniably one of the most inventive and influential directors in 20th-century cinema. And has any single filmmaker had as impressive a decade as Godard in the 60s? Just insane.

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot was the worst film I had the misfortune to see in my entire 42 years of existence. I know it might sound like a huge fucking exaggeration in the world where The Room or Birdemic exist, but it is true for me. I have never seen a movie that was this lazy, soulless and had such an enormous

It seems to me that Rhaenyra is learning new and exciting (terrifying) things about power, and what it really is. She’s a quick learner and a quick thinker.

Comic Book Guys really get off on trying to sound eloquent these days. The top hat and cigar “ackschually”

I ate her excitement with some favra beans and a nice Chianti...

Her excitement was palatable

This whole review is so off-putting: jokes about underage women kissing their guards in nearly the same breadth as “valiantly” defending the other underage women being exploited in the story, the “girl talk” thing just because a woman is camping, etc

Interesting to see this article is totally at odds with the actual episode review, which just assumes Viserys and Allicent have been banging like rabbits for those six months.

I’m pretty sure your average American knows about OJ and Nicole Simpson.