
speaking of Bryan Singer...

It was pretty unusual that the security guard was trying to kill him but I guess “Curb” has never been rooted in reality that much...?

Where’s QT?

Hollis should be John Mahoney.

“Dodging an incriminating question, or refusing to give credence to rumors?”


Saw “It”. It was truly terrible.

45 million? Isn’t that pre-2000s numbers?

First of all I don’t know what “Catcher in the Rye” has to do with “The Matrix” but Holden Caufield is supposed to be an unreliable narrator that’s much too naive and anxiety-ridden to exist in this world. We are not supposed to take those rants as if he is saying something worth hearing. We are supposed to take them

Yes. It is the blandest movie ever. Really cloying and sentimental and ultimately pointless. “Jurassic World” is enjoyable almost despite itself just because the screenplay is so dumb you can’t believe your eyes. Someone like Rian Johnson is miles away from someone like Trevorrow.

welcome to hell

does this work?

Agreed. But casting doubts on established facts is why people gravitate to alternative ideas.

If everything the media puts out is "fake news" then it follows that the movies/books/documentaries that the media produces about history are also not to be trusted. So why the fuck should they believe Hitler was such a bad guy? Maybe he had some good ideas.

No amount of dad-rock grumbling is gonna convince me that "More Life" is not a pretty good album and that "Passionfruit" is not a fantastic single.

sounds pretty intentional

oh jim how could you treat me this way
oh jim
how could you treat me this way

these kind of press releases make sense— the appeal to watch the sequels won't be the story; it will be the innovative use of technology

and now zillow's brand will forever be associated with ugly ass houses
not the smartest move from a marketing stand-point