Unnecessary. Insulting. But no more insulting than her “You don’t say” comment, I suppose. New-agers are so irritating and self-absorbed. Thanks, Boomers!
Unnecessary. Insulting. But no more insulting than her “You don’t say” comment, I suppose. New-agers are so irritating and self-absorbed. Thanks, Boomers!
Neat. It’s wild seeing tiny, adorable things going psycho like that.
Oh, wow. That’s interesting. Actually, my ex was a narcissist as well, but I’ve come to regard any self-reports of feelings from her with heavy doses of skepticism, for obvious reasons. Hard to tell when a pathological liar was ever honest.
Oh, absolutely. The constant redefinition of language to suit their purposes, undermining language itself - not just truth, but the means to convey it - is depressing as fuck. I never wanted Orwell to be right, but here we are...
I’m the wrong ass?
It’s possible that MDMA just acts like speed to someone with no compassion. It’s more likely he does meth or cocaine, though. Assholes love coke.
“Retribution arc” is a funny mistype of “redemption arc” - oddly appropriate. Few things in this world are more irritating than self-righteous christian types. The ones that are “born-again” in some regard are the worst of the worst. Kind of like how drug-addicts that go through rehab and actually buy into the…
Nuance stands squarely in the way of bad faith arguments.
They aren’t coming for me — they are coming for you. I’m just in the way.
You don’t need evidence when you have feelings. That’s what Gingrich meant. Unfortunately (for the entire world, apparently) he was right.
Capt Bullwinkle: “Hey, Matty, watch me pull some evidence out of my ass!”
I’ll take your word for it. I don’t really know what you’re talking about with vectors, but at least it’s an explanation. The “we bombarded something with particles to cool it down” doesn’t make a lot of sense on its own.
Really? I got the impression they’re not terribly aggressive, only come out at night to avoid predators and such.
Not in person.
Everything right-wingers argue is in bad faith. Everything. Also, what the fuck kind of “lawyerly” “logic” is this: “discriminatory in the sense that everybody is created equal.”? My brain is still trying to parse it and coming up with a fatal exception, then rebooting.
Thank you. That should be linked in every article about republicans committing sex-related crimes.
Cassowaries are intimidating as fuck (probably because they can gut you with those talons and are super-aggressive).
Really? I can think of at least one other homophobic institution (GOP) that is fairly “gay” (rent-boys get a lot of work whenever the republican national convention comes to town).
My college girlfriend broke up with me over the phone after I had the temerity to go to a grad school not of her choice (but rather that was best for me, academically speaking). Then she wrote me a long letter blaming me for her breaking up with me. Not an apology, I suppose.