
I find that just the opposite is true on the previously gawker subs. Outrage is what fuels these people. They troll the comment section looking for anything to get their self righteous dander up.

What Sully did is an entire different category than what happened here in my opinion.

“We have part of the aircraft missing so we’re going to need to slow down a bit.”

Just keep your seatbelt on while you’re seated, no problem.

You mean like cruise control, lane departure warning, automatic braking?

I’ll happily read any studies you care to link to demonstrating increased gun violence by those that carry concealed in proximity to schools... Otherwise that’s some “idiot”-ic “hurr durr” there

Now playing

That dash cam was garbage. The woman should have been easily visible.

I agree with much of what said, and the tone, but this:

I had a TDI that could automatically detect if it was on rollers so it could go into a special mode to pass the emissions test.

No, it’s still a new car. It will have practically zero miles on it, you’ll be the first one to get your ass imprinted on the seat, you’ll be the one suffering through the break in period.

Only on Jalopnik:

Not going to lie—I thought it’s another China copy before reading the article.

Where are these mythical “good” dealerships? I’ve certainly never found them.

Reason number 678,987,456,892,369,923 why I can’t wait for the death of car dealerships.

Texas, man. It’s not perfect, and I am a little biased because it’s the only state I’ve ever lived in, but we’ve got a lot going for us.

Maybe so; I’ve only used Uber, but also use it rarely. OTOH, my kids use Lyft and Uber. They’ll price shop, because there can be a significant difference in price, especially to/from airports. Surge pricing may be in effect for one but not the other.

Yeah, I’ve got 2 cards, both sometime early in college. I’ve still got them, and don’t have any others almost a decade later.

I have both. In NYC i find that Lyft is usuallycheaper, but on NYE Lyft was 40% more expensive.

Neutral: Does It Actually Make A Difference To The Consumer?

Bitcars are not cars.