Sir Dipping Sauce

Did you?

For something that had such little backstory, how the fuck do you leave out/change such a major part of it. They’re genetically altered HUMANS not animals.

FWIW Steppenwolf popped up a few times in the animated shows.

I wouldn’t even put her in my top 20.

I mean, she’s cool and all, but best? Not by a long shot.


My people. Lol. I’m just an average dude, I don’t have “people”.


Lol. So ok, if I made chicken parm, steak parm, and pork chop parm, they would all taste exactly the same aside from texture differences? Please.

If meat has no flavor and it’s all just the seasoning, why do people buy and consume different types of meat? Why not just always eat the cheapest thing. I mean it’s all in the seasoning right? -_-

I don’t think they have a developed palate at all. They think raw tuna or salmon is flavorless.

You either never had good fish or you have an incredibly underdeveloped palate.

You can’t be serious right now... Go eat some plain raw tuna or salmon and tell me there is no flavor.

Guess that makes me a bad Italian(from the area where Sopranos was set no less) since I don’t get butt hurt over such trivial shit.

start checking at 40 minutes?!.... shit. It’s done in like 20-25.

You are giving business to one person solely based on the fact that they are black and not giving it to another because they are not black. Yes, that is racism. Now replace the word black with white and tell me that’s not racist behavior.

Now let’s go back to your scenario but instead of it being a Starbucks across the street from the Black owned coffee shop, it’s a Latino owned coffee shop. Which one do you go to? The one with the better coffee/service/atmosphere. Choosing to support one over the other based on the owners skin color is by definition

It makes me cringe every time I hear it.

I would view it the same way , yes. You are choosing to support a business solely on the race of the owner. So.... yea, that’s racism. I should support your business because you have a good product, not because you’re a member of x, y, or z.

I would love to hear you elaborate on that one.