Sir Dipping Sauce

Well, FWIW,  it's been cancelled already 

I’ve given up on Arrow, Flash, and Legends. Never got into Supergirl. Absolutely loving Black Lightning. It’s hard to believe it’s a CW show tbh.

Do you ever eat fast food when you’re in a different country?

For real. I wasn’t a huge fan of 7, it had it’s problems, but it still left me questioning a lot of stuff and looking forward to 8. Then 8 comes along and is pretty much like “yea....none of that shit matters, move along” and I don’t even know wtf I’m supposed to be looking forward to with 9. It’s kinda a mess.

Pellaeon is one of my favorite characters in the old EU. Totally agree with you though, he gives a great lens to view Thrawn through in the original Thrawn trilogy. The new Thrawn book tried to accomplish the same thing with Vanto, and while he’s a pretty good character, it just feels weak compared to Pellaeon.

Possible. Thing is, I feel it will still feel kinda meh since both characters are severely under developed in Rebels. Either way we’ll find out in the next few weeks.

Or he ends up on Mortis and fills the role they originally wanted Anakin for.

Unlikely. Even if it did occur though, it’d feel pretty random. It’d be completely missing the reason why Rukh did what he did and the weight behind said decision.

Because it doesn’t always give you the image, sometimes you just get the thumbnail.

Add-ons to add the button back to Google.

Because fans just LOVEEEEED that movie -_-

You mean like sacrificing yourself to save all your friends from a turbo-laser blast?

“You can’t die! You need to live so you can understand that one day you will have to sacrafice yourself for the ones you love!”

For real... I want nothing more to see Berserk animated because its such an amazing story with great visuals and then we get......I don’t even know wtf to call that shit show. The most amazing part to me is they somehow managed to make s2 look worse than s1.

I’ve dipped em in tempura batter before and lightly fried them. I agree they’re awesome.

Chicken bruschetta sammiches are AMAZING.

That pretty much sums up how I felt about it. I thought the world they built had a lot of potential for cool stories but in the end they just squandered it.

Meh. IMO Black Widow was always a character that worked better as a supporting character rather than the main focus. Much like how I feel about Punisher.

I think that’s something we can all agree on.