Sir Dipping Sauce

I’m in the opposite camp. This looks terrific! It’s fun to see these kinds of cartoons embrace how silly they are in a sincere way. And the art style reminds me of Enfu, Kate Beaton, and Adventure Time. All good things in my book.

It’s well worth the watch. This shows seems more like the Netflix Marvel shows than the other DC shows. I like the other shows, but they are all fairly shallow. This show seems much more grounded. The characters have depth to them where the characters on the other DC shows seem more like caricatures. And they did a

Yeah, it was utterly dreadful.

Any random episode of Pokemon is more believable and more subtle in its writing.

To simplify “Snowpiercer” for TV, are they just going to have a bunch of people stand in a hallway? One of the stupidest movies I’ve ever seen, from it’s implausible setting to its ham-handed social commentary.

I am really trying to figure out what they do with the plot to keep the story going (pun not intended, but I’ll take it anyway). How much more can you do with the train?

Other than Kylo’s possible redemption and Leia’s death I haven’t heard many speculations. At all. It bums me out, the fandom was so lively after TFA and now it’s fizzled.

Not just “move along” but “move along and don’t be a dick about us not caring about how much you care about this stuff. What kind of person gets so heavily invested in this shit anyway? Losers, thats who.” ROLL CREDITS

But...Last Jedi was all about leaving the past behind and moving forwards! It was a perfect movie! Of course there’s stuff to look forward to! Like how the Rebels will defeat the Empire now that 98% of their staff is dead or if Rey can become the greatest Jedi Master ever in a week since she’s a girl and there have

I don’t even know wtf I’m supposed to be looking forward to with 9.


No Aubrey Plaza is talented.

On some occasions, this will open a thumbnail of the image instead of the full resolution.

Luke wasn’t a badass until episode 3. He had to train to get there. He blew up the death star with guidance by his teacher and trusting the Force, Obi Wan. Maybe learn about the subject you want to talk about?

“and there’s no similarly resonant female characters”

Which would be fine if they could continue to run in that instance. They couldn’t. Fighting back was the only option left, and Finn’s sacrifice was justified in that moment. It destroys the enemies best weapon and would have given them more time to stall.

It’s true, if Ackbar was (is?) a fish girl then just scrap that scene. Scrap it!

“I mean this is a movie series where a 9 year old boy stumbles his way into a starfighter and fumbles the destruction of a heavily fortified and defended control ship purely by chance”

Ahh, broad brush-strokes, I knew we hadn’t seen the last of you!

Alright, how about this then. Rey’s a freaking bad character and would be a bad character even if she was male. Her personality is bland, her backstory is essentially nonexistent, and she goes from nobody to complete bad-ass in essentially zero time with

p sure you’re in the large minority on that view, bud.