Lol... what?
Lol... what?
What a bland sauce...
uBlock, you just need to add a rule for it and then you’re good to go.
I use uBlock. Add a rule to block that element and you should be good.
uBlock. You need to add a rule to block that element then you’re good to go.
The hell you doing still browsing the internet without an ad blocker?
4 dishes. But yea, I agree.
Early signs of dementia
And if it were for purely cosmetic things like armor/blaster skins I’d be right there with you. But when you can spend money to get an advantage over others, that’s where a line needs to be drawn.
Did you?
My people. Lol. I’m just an average dude, I don’t have “people”.
Guess that makes me a bad Italian(from the area where Sopranos was set no less) since I don’t get butt hurt over such trivial shit.
start checking at 40 minutes?!.... shit. It’s done in like 20-25.
You are giving business to one person solely based on the fact that they are black and not giving it to another because they are not black. Yes, that is racism. Now replace the word black with white and tell me that’s not racist behavior.
Now let’s go back to your scenario but instead of it being a Starbucks across the street from the Black owned coffee shop, it’s a Latino owned coffee shop. Which one do you go to? The one with the better coffee/service/atmosphere. Choosing to support one over the other based on the owners skin color is by definition…
I would view it the same way , yes. You are choosing to support a business solely on the race of the owner. So.... yea, that’s racism. I should support your business because you have a good product, not because you’re a member of x, y, or z.
I would love to hear you elaborate on that one.
Because without mentioning it they’d probably get berated with how they just don’t understand because their white privileges.
Right, because that was just an example of regular discrimination. Don’t know where people come up with this whole reverse discrimination/racism thing.
No :( I sad.