Sir Dipping Sauce

Because without mentioning it they’d probably get berated with how they just don’t understand because their white privileges. 

Right, because that was just an example of regular discrimination. Don’t know where people come up with this whole reverse discrimination/racism thing.

I think about this sometimes, but then I remember that Marvel made a movie with a tree that constantly says the same line of dialog and a talking raccoon. If it’s a good movie, people will watch it.

Yes, their ships were organic.

Uhh.... no.

Talking about the original, and no, for me, it has nothing to do with it being an older movie (I watch old films pretty often). It is, like I said, just not a a good movie that feels entirely too long while accomplishing not much. Especially since it’s based on a book that’s less than 200 pages and still manages to

And Thrawn is still just that random blue guy that shows up from time to time.

Eghhh yes. It took me forever to finally sit down and watch that movie(years of people giving me shit for never having seen it.) Holy fuck.... I don’t get the hype at all.

Man... I totally forgot(I think forced myself to forget) how absolutely horrible Yoda looked in Rebels....

Man....that’d be fuckin awesome.

I’m a bit more excited about these than the current ones tbh. SW universe is so big, I’m tired of dealing with the Skywalker family.

Chekov’s Gun

I’m still not sure how I feel about this show. It’s not bad but I can’t really say I’m hooked either.

I just finished yesterday and my main take-away was “....meh” . I don’t know, it just never felt like it captured what made s1 great.

But WHY was time traveled Harry already a thing that would happen, that’s the hang up I have. If no Harry was able to make it to the point of creating time traveled Harry without it’s help, it should’t exist.

I still have a bit of a problem with the time travel in Harry Potter(I could be mixing details though, been a few years since I read it). For there to be a Harry to travel back in time to save Harry he would have had to survived the initial encounter with the dementors on his own. Otherwise he’d never be able to get

Exactly. I’m not normally a fan of horror cause it seems to depend to much on either gore shock value or “gotcha” moments. The way season one was though. Yea...it was that right mix of unsettling and “what if?” type of thing. Some scenes made you physically feel weird. It was the perfect type of horror for me. Creepy

Then you most likely won’t enjoy this. It’s so weird to say but it feels like it’s written by an author who’s never written Thrawn before. Nothing ever really happens in the book either. It was an ok book as a whole, but as soon as I finished reading it I picked up the original trilogy because this book was so

My question. Will we actually have use for Thrawn at all this season or is he going to remain “random blue baddie”?

He’s quickly becoming one of my favorite directors. Just watched Hunt for the Wilderpeople last night. Great movie.