Sir Dipping Sauce

I made caramel pineapple weed ice cream before. Horrible mistake. Try eating just a little bit of that....especially once you’re already high.

Man.... I’ve said it time and time again. I’ve smoked for a long time, and not once have I ever been “too high”. I can not, even remotely, say the same about edibles.

Do you have a slow cooker? Get a mason jar, fill it with ground herb and then cover it with coconut oil or butter. Lid the jar and throw it in your slow cooker filled with water for 8 hrs. You’ll get really potent oil/butter at the end without all the smell.

Most people make garbage edibles. I can not even begin to guess the number of things I’ve eaten that tasted like absolute garbage but still ate because “there is weed in this”

I am a hardcore pothead. That said, if you dose me with ANYTHING without telling me, we’re no longer talking. I don’t care that I’d normally consume a pot/whatever, you don’t just go giving that shit to people without saying something.

Once again people misunderstand how THC works. Stop cooking it at such high temps. You’re literally wasting your shit. If you really want to bake with THC infused things and not lose potency you need to go at a much lower temp for a longer time. Honestly though, it’s a lot easier to just remove the pot infused thing

Well.... it’s certainly not cold or even cool where I live(was 93F today) but recently I’ve gotten into bread baking. Been at it about 2 weeks now and I gotta say, I’m pretty impressed with how quick I’ve taken to it. Here’s my latest batch of bread.

Yes. That is one of Marvels biggest problems. You simply do not care for the villains because they’re all so under developed. It’s a shame too because I think they’ve generally done a good job of casting for them, they just wasted it. Red Skull still disappoints me.

Ya know, when I was being snarky as fuck, I had a suspicion this exact video would be posted as a response.

Turns out grilled cheese isn’t actually a piece of cheese that’s been grilled. I’VE CRACKED THE CODE!

Was reading this comment right before it got to that bit. “It can’t be that bad......”<bust out laughing> yea.... that was bad.

It has nothing to do with the fact they speak Spanish. Puerto Rico doesn’t want to be a state. Just like the US Virgin Islands don’t want to be a state and they even speak English.

People seemed pretty beat up when Brian “died”.

Are these two things mutually exclusive or something?

Its....ok. It’s not bad by any means, but I haven’t really been drawn in by anything yet either. It’s only 2 episodes in though so I’m willing to give it some time.

This is literally how facebook has always worked. You, the user are the end product. Your info has been mined from day one and sold off to the highest bidder. I don’t see what’s so hard to get about that. Yet everyone willingly still supports it and then acts so fuckin surprised when their personal info is out there.

I willingly gave a bunch of my information to a company that’s known to exploit such things and now I’m upset they’ve exploited such things. -_-

How is this different from most things? Don’t like a product, stop using it. It’s pretty fuckin simple.