Sir Dipping Sauce

Well..... one of them might be.

Do you mean Marvel Comic movie or comic book movie in general? Because if the latter, I think you’re forgetting about a lot of hot garbage that came out.

Or as I like to call it “The Bias Bump” .

I calls em as a sees em. The CGI was garbage, like I legit laughed at a few scenes cause it looked so bad. No reason to sugar coat it.

Couldn’t agree more. I love Wonder Woman, I wanted to love this movie, but it was a crappy movie so...... But yea... must me cause I’m a man and I hate women.

If DC was trying hard to be Marvel we’d have some good movies by now.

Ah, yes, of course, if you don’t like the movie it’s gotta be cause it was a woman led. Couldn’t possibly just be the fact that it was a mediocre, at best, movie with laughably bad CGI.

Totally agree, the only thing you left out was how laughably bad a lot of the CG was.

What...... That was the most comic accurate suit in a movie yet. Which one did you like more?

I’m really tired of this trend with trailers where it’s a slowed down (usually really shitty, like in this case) cover of a famous song. I’ll take the Inception sounds again over this shit.

It really is amazing how much is missing from Blade Runner. Considering it’s such a long fuckin movie adapted from such a short fuckin book.

Never heard that song before. That was awesome, thanks for sharing.

I started walking like this a few years back after spending a lot of time barefoot. It’s a bit weird at first but you can definitely tell it’s a lot better for your body.

That number is really far off though. The fiery hot is closer to 20k SHU. They also make a variety called Beware that’s around 100k

I just had some Dave’s Ultimate Insanity a few days ago. Shit’s nasty. Tasted like a bottle of liquid smoke.

Marie Sharps is AMAZING. Surprised to see it on a list like this though, didn’t think it was that popular outside the country.

I’ll give you the first two because they actually cause some potential risks to arise, but why the fuck do you care what color I decide to paint MY house?

Ain’t that some shit? Like at least Rick and Morty is pretty straight forward about being about a toxic man and his escapades. Steven Universe though..... for a show that preaches love and acceptance as much as it does; that fan base is fuckin horrible at times.

Wasn’t he pushed by MoJo JoJo causing him to trip and break the flask containing chem x?

“the biggest mistake was not bringing back the original ppg voice cast.”