Sir Dipping Sauce

It will, albeit rather mild. Ever eat a really large dose?

Same here, except I found it to be one of the best experiences in my life.

That may actually get me to come back, but I doubt Barry will really be gone more than 4-5 episodes at most.

Yeaaaaa I’m done with this show. It got worse and worse this whole season to the point that I was hate watching it by the end. Definitely not picking it up again next year.

That’d be great. I’m not overly fond of the feeling I get from the trailers. It seems like Stark does everything for him which really underwrites Peter’s intelligence. I think it would have been nice that instead of Stark making the suit for Peter he invited him over and essentially said “Here’s my lab, go crazy, if

And that’s exactly why I really can’t get behind Iron Fist.

I kinda miss when there wasn’t actual dialog in these games. I feel like a part of the charm was lost.

“In one of the most heart-wrenching stories you’re likely to ever hear”

I agree. I find ghosts have a nice floral fruity flavor that habaneros lack.

It was a hashtag on the original Twitter post. Seems to have been changed now.

It was a hashtag on the original Twitter post. Seems to have been changed now.

Hadn’t really thought about that. Good point.

Wait.....Josh Trank.....seriously?! Someone is trusting him with another comic book movie?

I still think they fucked up making this movie about Eddie Brock instead of Flash Thompson. Flash’s run as Venom can easily stand separate from Spidey. Brock, not so much.

I really wanted to like this game but I honestly can’t play it more than 30-45min without getting incredibly bored. I feel like I’m just doing the same shit over and over again.

I really wanted to like this game but I honestly can’t play it more than 30-45min without getting incredibly bored.

Why.....why does the Joker look so horrible?

“Sapkowski treats the games as fan fiction, thats simply because it didnt come from his mind, not because theyre somehow inconsistent.” 

Is Dirk Gently actually worth watching? I tried watching the first few episodes but found it insufferable. It didn’t feel like Dirk Gently at all.