Sir Dipping Sauce

I actually kinda dig the Friday time slot. A lot of the other shows I watch fall earlier in the week. This will give me something to watch on the weekend now.

I still think about how great an Inhumans movie could have been with Vin Diesel as Black Bolt.

There was also a mass amount of botted comments against net neutrality.

I’ve been charged $100 for an alcohol swab in a hospital before.

My first was Princess Mononoke, which also happens to be my favorite.

Out of curiosity, was Totoro your first Ghibli film? I’ve noticed people seem to rank their first Ghibli movie as their favorite, and since Spirited Away was most peoples first exposure, it kinda makes sense.

Now playing

Every time one of these “amazing” remixes get posted it inevitably turns out to be utter trash.

“ohhh this is really nice it invokes the vibe of spirite.......WHAT THE SHIT IS THIS!?!”

Prepare for disappointment.

I should have specified. It’s fine if you’re having a chunky sauce, but if you have a blended sauce(which I prefer) , you more than likely will end up with this nice smooth sauce with bits of skin throughout.

Or if you’re makin pasta sauce. Cause no one wants stringy tomato skins in their sauce.

Well, not defending this show per say cause it looks pretty terrible. But I don’t think I can agree with your argument as to why it will be bad. No one knows the Inhumans, sure. How many people knew about Groot a few years ago? No one was clamoring for a GotG movie, and most thought it’d be crap because only staunch

One may even say Inhumanly bad.

Annnnnnnnnnd I’m done with this show.

If anyone missed out on this and is interested there is https://pxls.space/# . I’ve been working on the large portrait of Aku and Samurai Jack for the past week and a half :P

Been a fan of Glover’s since Community. For some reason I could never really get into Childish Gambino, then one day Awaken, My Love! started playing on Youtube and I was totally fuckin floored by it. God damn...what an album.

Long live the chief.