Sir Dipping Sauce

Yea....it’s no where remotely close to Spectacular Spider-man, but damn, they use such a wide variety of characters from the spidey comics I can’t help but like it.

I hadnt thought about To the Moon since I played it a while back...... thanks for that :’(

The addiction is real.

Ultimate Chicken Horse has been my houses go-to drunk party game. Such a blast.

Thanks for this post. Always looking for new games to play with my wife. Such a pain finding couch co-op PC games and there are a few I haven’t heard of in here.

It’s the reason I’ve always appreciated Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking show. Fancy meals that are both easy to prepare and actually healthy.

I def agree about leaving all that other stuff out. I think I went into it with some bias though. Cause it was’t the blood dragon sequel I wanted, nor was it really a trials game.

Haven’t played Doom yet. That soundtrack doe. Holy shit. It’s taking me back to mid 90s - early 2000s metal. Love it.

such a disappointing game, hell of a soundtrack though.

Still no mod support?

I don’t know how well she can act, but if she can, Ashley Eckstein would be great

Finally got an invite to beta. Absolutely love how the game has been improved on from what was in The Witcher 3.

I’m really surprised to see Zootopia on this list, especially as high up as it is. I mean, it definitely looked nice, and gave a few laughs, but overall I found it to just be kinda meh.

While you will come out of TCW liking Ahsoka a lot more, that’s one of the last reasons you SHOULD watch it. You should watch it cause it’s some of the best Star Wars stories we’ve got. Rebels is good and all but it’s high points don’t compare to TCW’s.

“I avoided Clone Wars at first because of Ahsoka, and now all I can think about is when are we going to find out what happened to her on Rebels!”

Stop drinking warm eggnog. Blech.

“Meanwhile, Edwards also tells IGN why he chose to leave Godzilla 2, in favor of working on Rogue One instead.”