Sir Dipping Sauce

Prequel music was phenomenal IMO. One of the few redeeming factors.

Those things.....man....fuck those fish... Used to work in a pet store and people would constantly try and pawn those evil shits off on me.

I live on the Caribbean, every year we have a big contest to see who can kill the most of them and then there is a big cook off with all the meat. Lion fish is becoming more popular by the coast, but inland people are still mainly consuming fish like snapper and grouper, would be nice to see that change over the next

I’d be curious to see how eggnog would come out since you can better infuse some of the flavors.

Evidently also the reason we have lion fish in the Caribbean .

This is one of the main reasons I stopped watching GoT as well. At a certain point, it just started to feel like a show about supporting characters I didn’t really care much for.

This. I’m totally cool with the season being broken into 2 parts for story telling reasons. I think it allows for better writing. What kills me is the long ass wait. Welp....I was super invested into this show but looks like I’m not gonna be watching it this for the next month and a half...

“but since Arrow has been so successful, it’s now part of the season five finale, and thus the end of the show’s flashback side story.”

Callin it now. The host we saw being made in the background a few episodes back is one of Ford. He had to make it appear as if he was murdered in front of the board so he could go on with his plans in secret.

That’s how I read into it as well.

Holy shit!!! Saw some stills on the front page, MOVIE SPOILED!!!

Now playing

Anddddddd now this is gonna be stuck in my head for the next week.

“others have landed undetonated near major cities and have still yet to be found.”

And “Requiem for a Dream” , once was enough.

Ah ok, didn’t know, I watch it all late night when I get home.

JIMMY JAMES! lol. Rewatching News Radio right now actually, love this show.

“Choose Your Own Adventure is non-linear, but I don’t think it’s open world. Usually you have to pick between two or three choices, with little room to explore beyond them.”

“Novels are strictly linear. What would an open-world novel even look like?”