Sir Dipping Sauce

For fuckin real.... TCW would give us a lot of BS filler , but nothing ever as bad as Rebels has been. It’s like TCW would have the occasional 3 ep arc of filler bs, Rebels....shit.... I mean we got like what, maybe 2 episodes this season that weren’t filler.

I know it’s something minor, but Thrawn’s eyes bother the hell out of me. They’ve always been just solid red eyes, which IMO gives a much more intimidating effect than what we currently have. The pupil/iris feels kinda weird, like, almost too human.

YES! As much as I like Lars Mikkelsens voice work, Thrawn will always be Marc Thompson to me.

But if you know how you fucked up, you may get a promotion :P

Ash Vs Evil Dead, Bob’s Burgers, Last Man on Earth, and of course, Westworld.

I made some stuffed chicken wrapped in bacon and sous vide it for 1.5hr at 140f. Took it out, patted dry and quickly seared it in a hot pan. Great results. Bacon flavor infused nicely into the chicken.

I’ve been thinkin about doing gizzards for a while

It did.

Likewise. My wife and I were watching it last night and when it got to the bit where Savitar was calling out to him my wife assumed it was Alchemy’s voice. She turned, looked at me and said “welp...there goes that theory of yours” only to have it proven right 5 seconds later lol.

Ya, but that still takes some know how to be able to do it. Actually measuring things out properly was a huge help to me when I started baking.

hmmm how about that, all throughout the Caribbean and Central America they’re called johnnycakes. Never heard of a hoe cake, probably a good thing they’re not called that here, I’m definitely not mature enough to order something like that and not laugh.

Never saw anyone else mention johnny cakes(or journey cake) online. Interesting thing though, what I know as a johnny cake is nothing like what you described.It’s pretty much like a biscuit/roll. Flour,baking power, salt, butter, and coconut milk.

Now playing

Takes about Chernobyl around 5:30 , though the whole video is worth a watch.

I’m in a weird place with these fan games. I get the argument of “protecting the IP” but the thing is, are these games actually hurting Nintendo?

Actually another theory I’ve been tossing around. Simply for the asinine amount of work it’d be to constantly make sure each host is fixed in time for next cycle, rather than having a few you could swap through rotation as you’re repairing them and such.

It’s either two timelines or there are scenes being played out of order to misdirect in some other way. Two quick examples I can think of(There are a ton more)

Couldn’t agree more with your assessment of korra. S3 was amazing.

I got into the show by the end of s1, then they pulled some major bs at the start of s2 and I lost all interest. It may be because it was cancelled before we got the payoff, but I saw it as lazy writing what they did with s2.

“You’re underwhelmed, he’s overwhelmed, why isn’t anyone ever just whelmed”