Sir Dipping Sauce

I didn’t know meeple was a word. Now I do. Thanks for that :)

It must take you forever to read a comic book now...

I read a later, full version, but yea, couldn’t agree more. I can see how it was maybe sorta kinda controversial for its time, but, at the end of the day, it was still rubbish writing.

God, I forgot how much of a mess the writing was in this book. Just remember it being the only book I’ve ever “hate-read”.

I don’t think the adjacency bonuses are clearly defined enough. My first 4-5 games felt random as shit as far as where stuff went. Finally ended up just writing all the bonuses down on another sheet of paper as a bit of a cheat sheet to help me plan cities.

I liked this book for giving me the word “grok”.

“It looks like nothing”

I watched the first episode and decided not to watch any more. It struck me as a show trying to be “edgy Dr Who” . Didn’t work for me.

Looks like the sorta game that would be fun for ~30 minutes before it just got old.

Isn’t ridiculously big pokemon in the anime like a thing? Like I know that its supposed to be ~50 feet long, but the one from the anime looks wayyyyyy bigger.

they’re pogs.

That fuckin game..... Like I knew I was in for a sad twist, but shit....


They’re really not that much harder to take care of IMO. I kept Sun Coral for a long time and never directly fed them, they would just get their food when I fed the fish.

I still wish he was gonna be playing Scorpion. Keaton would be so great as Matt Gorgon at the end of his line.

Great episode.And now it’s decided, gonna have to rewatch the series again

I really wasn’t into Tron until this show.

How is has no one mentioned Avengers:EMH

Haha yup, same here. It’s really rare I make anything that requires more than a few hrs of forethought cause well......