So far not in the movie either and I’m two thirds though
So far not in the movie either and I’m two thirds though
My sentiments exactly. I have it paused right now. The movie’s taking a turn I don’t like, what with the manufactured wedges being driven between the main buddies and the predictable arc that will no doubt follow. It annoys me because they should obviously be supporting eachother and the modern guy is stupidly…
Lol I’m really over-exposing myself right now
Stop when their eyes roll back? J/k, I just work out how far to go with them beforehand, though some people are turned off by over-preparation/planning. You can just escalate gradually and loosen/stop when you see or feel any sign of real distress or loss of consciousness (some people do that apparently, I’ve not met…
Huh, I’ve met three girls who are into being choked and I’m very far from a player, so I thought it wasn’t that exotic anymore. Or maybe I’m somehow drawn to them. Alas, now I’m into it too (not on the receiving end), but I’ve never asked to do it to someone because I’m afraid they’ll think I’m a psycho. I mean some…
Maybe self-reflection is too unpleasant an experience for them to handle for various reasons, so they lash out. That’s my theory after years of studying these asshats. Like, how is simply talking about certain issues so fucking incendiary for these people? Differing readings of a commercial product (queer, feminist,…
Ha, Godspeed brother. I personally lost patience waiting for it to get to braidable length because it just looked so gross on me, plus it’s pointless to replenish my stock of beard balm when I’m not getting laid anyway. My personal grooming skill has increased more in a few months than in the preceding decade; it…
I’m not into feet, but definitely not vanilla. It depresses me that they have to resort to kink-shaming to get people to care about this shit, apparently. In my experience everyone has something weird about their libido if you get to know them well enough (sometimes especially the ones that act super normal). When can…
I know what you mean, I felt the same way about BB at first. Now it’s my favourite and the only one in the series I’ve platinum’d — and I’ve played all the Soulsbornes at least twice (genuflect, if you please). Once the timing for guns and visceral attacks clicks for you, hopefully you’ll see what I see. It’s easier…
I wear a mask and the virus is barely an issue where I live. The prolonged lack of sex is doing a way bigger number on my masculinity than anything else about the pandemic (the fact I live with my old parents now and am unemployed isn’t helping either, but it means I have to be extra careful when I go out). But I…
It can give us more empathy, but it isn’t worth it. One positive you can’t take away from it though is that you can help others deal with it, and you do by taking part in these conversations, so there’s that.
I had a similar experience. Somehow seeing a trained professional utterly fail to grasp what I trying to express or what I was looking to get out of therapy made me realize that there is no one right way to deal with this stuff, nor any reason to be ashamed of feeling shitty and isolated. So that was a good step. On…
Isn’t it well known that this service doesn’t really work that well? Writing a comprehensive, sympathetic article is a lot more work and more useful than plugging some number pretty much everyone’s already aware of anyway.
Dang she pretty
Those trolls are never really going to go away. Kotaku haters have become a weirdly prominent internet cult since “gamergate” (eyeroll).
Albertan here. Preach.
Not that you should have to, but can’t you indicate your status in some way with a sticker on your car or something?
If he got flagged as a creep I think that would finally be my cue to check out of civilization. I’m just going to walk out into the woods in my boxers and walk until I drop.
He’s kind of a health nut so that’s unlikely, unless he doubles down on crazy
Other than the joker thing is Jared Leto really known to be that much of an asshole? Or do people just hate him because he’s pretty and he clearly knows it? Girls typically don’t get as much shit for being so up their own ass in photoshoots or on instagram or what have you.