Popular comedians are so (over?)exposed on youtube right now that making new documentaries almost seems redundant, but I’ll probably check it out.
Popular comedians are so (over?)exposed on youtube right now that making new documentaries almost seems redundant, but I’ll probably check it out.
Maybe you feel that way because his views aren’t as edgy now as they were then, but people really needed to hear that shit at the time. I still like it but it did totally have that vibe to it sometimes.
He said some pretty mean and off-base shit in a couple of his specials. There’s been quite a bit written about it. He also said some pretty hilarious and on-point stuff too, so I totally get where this statement is coming from. If calling victims of sexual predation weak isn’t toxic, I don’t know what is.
Probably maybe? It is compatible with MS consoles/PCs across the board so there’s no real reason it can’t or shouldn’t.
Yeah, there was a story about it recently
Don’t give them ideas
Is this one of those things where they want consumers to get confused and just buy the expensive one to avoid FOMO/having to figure out what all the differences are? I can’t see a better rationalization for this Galaxy-brain marketing.
Your fair comment makes me want to regress 20 years and play fanboy for funzies:
Ikr, people routinely lose more for less than what he did/got caught for. Fuck him. If regular people can lose their jobs and have their lives derailed for nothing why should sexual predators get to be paid public figures?
I really liked We3 and his takes on Batman, I’ll check that out. Although I’ve randomly gotten blowback from comic die-hards for liking him. Same for a bunch of other writers and artists I thought were good for that matter, but do you know what the beef is some people have with Morrison’s work?
Wish you had told me this before I dated them.
Since they started making them I haven’t seen one of these remakes yet and unless I get dragged into it socially at some point, I never will. I have rewatched the animated ones several times. They’re still really good, more appealing to children and have better music. I truly don’t know what about these movies draws…
Come to think of it, looking back, I kind of agree. I liked The Last Jedi for the most part, but the story of the trilogy as a whole and all the opportunities it squandered just left me depressed. At least Solo and Rogue One don’t have so much baggage.
I’m a die hard movie goer and would be totally up for theatres switching to emphasizing classics more. Most new movies suck anyway (at least with major studio releases, you can’t see foreign or indie stuff unless you live in a big city).
With big corporations, little people always suffer, boom or bust. At least now the execs get to sweat a bit for once. You’re not accounting for everyone Disney crushed under its boot to get where it is.
Good, I hope his pandemic ravishes them the way they did the entertainment industry.
Good to hear. Sorry if I came off too aggressive. Lot of bad news lately and I just quit smoking, not that that makes being a dick ok.
Not going to lie Zack, your updates on this game are the only reason I periodically re-install and play for a bit. This is the dumbest but best reason so far. Much obliged!