Uber-Wang Kenoobi

What was that quip about wealth inequality for? Seems kind of cheap to just throw that in there without follow up, and exactly the sort of thing trolls mock this site for (wrongly, usually). Also ironic in an article about such a non-problem as this, which you suggest remedying with non-essential purchases.

It really bums me out when successful creatives kill themselves because they have everything I want and evidently having that doesn’t seem to make the pain go away.

Sorry To Bother You was so great. Also a good test of character; if you show it to people you know, either be sure you trust them or be prepared to be disappointed.

But then he kills a bunch of white Stock Broker bro’s and wants to be a with a black women and is poor and hates the rich

I tried once, but I got thrown out.

I echo your sentiments.

Damn son. I agree, but why can’t you disguise your vitriol with ironic aloofness like these writers do? Comes off nicer lol

Werd up. I admit I was a bit underwhelmed watching it again at home, but I had a blast the first time in theatres. Stephen Lang was a hilariously rugged barrel of male hormones and I loved every second he was on screen.

She’s made a career off that pouty scowl, henceforth “powl”. Goddamn I’m clever.

How dare you address a news blogger with such impudence?!

Maybe just say that instead of pulling shit out your ass when you need to express an opinion.

It’s almost liberating, isn’t it? It kinda feels like all the major franchises have shat the bed now, critically if not financially. Perhaps we’re entering a brave new world.

IKR? It’s like the writers of these hit pieces were born yesterday. Or like it’s easier to spout bullshit to draw people in than come up with real content.

History tells us that it’s not smart to bet against James Cameron. We’ll see who has the egg on their face once the movie comes out.

Alternate conclusion: one in five people is a doofus.

While this is totally shameless, an open-platform beefed-up Switch appeals to me more than what Nintendo is currently offering.

Too bad. Wish I’d read her stuff before this.

....victims squirm


On the one hand, my 12-year-old self would think Dr. Phil’s house is awesome.