Gilliam’s always been a bit of a stick-in-the-mud kind of guy. While I understand the impetus to jump on his words, which aren’t flattering, I’d argue that he’s earned the benefit of the doubt. At least from me.
Gilliam’s always been a bit of a stick-in-the-mud kind of guy. While I understand the impetus to jump on his words, which aren’t flattering, I’d argue that he’s earned the benefit of the doubt. At least from me.
Not super relevant (I don’t AppleTV) but a Trainspotting 2-style reprisal of True Romance would certainly get my dollars/subscription. Please, anyone?
My brain tells me it’s stupid, but my heart desires this thing. I suppose it’s a pretty good idea for the right demographic (need an upgrade, don’t have a Ps4, on a budget, frequent moving etc.). If they end up making this for the next gen I’d totally be in, but I guess it’s only coming towards the end of this…
I find it increasingly disheartening that mediocre, even outright shitty movies can reasonably aspire to make around a billion dollars. What the fuck is happening?
Huh. Nice to see contemporary Simpsons get some props from you guys for once. While I rarely watch anymore, and will concede that the show was better before, I’ve always been baffled at just how harsh people get about it. Like it’s still better than ninety percent of what’s on conventional network/cable TV. I mean, I…
Don’t leave the A.C. on when you smoke unless you want to replace your filters because the car perpetually smells bad. Which it will anyway, if you don’t maintain good front-left to rear-right window airflow as well (also saving your ears from pressure changes). You’re welcome.
My first thought too, so what if it’s a combo breaker. I’m not sure enough people care about the Vita (edit: or PSVR) for confusion to be an issue, speaking as a crestfallen Vita owner. But Sony is probably OCD about these things, judging from their remarkably consistent design aesthetic over the years.
Ah, k my b. I guess I’d argue that it’s because gender, race, etc. does significantly affect peoples’ experiences in life, and some people would like to see that reflected more in games. I don’t think there’s any obligation (or moral imperative) for games to do this generally, but for a game like this, with so much…
I think it’s the self-aware kind, probably
No, we are, and always were. There are dozens of us! (Still think Mike was a douche about the backlash though)
Lol I concur
Maybe I do have too big a stick up my ass about JRPGs, what I pointed out isn’t unique to them. Yes I’m talking to myself, such is the life a bored grey-comment man
Story and subtext in games may not matter to you, but it clearly does to a lot of people. It has an impact whether you acknowledge it or not. You mistake your assumptions about what matters to people as obvious truth.
*Pretty, not petty. Although my attitude may have been petty lol
Damn, and I thought I was misanthropic. You okay dude?
Maybe you’ve been fortunate in your experience with male gamers or just have cool friends. Probably helps that you play mostly JRPGS and not like shooters or whatever. When I hear a woman in an online match I usually end up cringing, not because of them obviously, but because of how the guys change their behavior…
Yeeeeee boiiii
What is “fake” about this article? What “harm” has Kotaku done to others? These words have meaning you know. Damn they got you good
Seconded. I also didn’t relate to how Other M’s reception was described, but I like you must have been skulking in the cooler corners of the internet at the time. Maybe 1up was still around then? Idk
Petty vague statement, bordering on nonsense. Why not just say you don’t care? If that’s what you mean