
Ironically, so does Daniel Tosh.

Eric Trump could not be reached for comment, as he had forgotten to close his mouth while in the shower, and accidentally drowned.

+1 The cable news websites have gone bonkers for unstoppable/unpausible autoplay videos, frequently which follow you down the page while you’re trying to read the article.

This article reeks of your advertising department exercising unconscionable control over editorial. Auto-play video is a cancer to the internet and ANY step to stamp it out is a welcome one. I don’t give a shit about any other opinion, particularly not bought and paid for FUD like this.

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

Looks like someone had fun with the Saints Row Create-a-character mode!

Who is this person you’re writing about? What do they have to do with pop-culture? Why did the editors let you run this? It seems like this essay that is better suited for your personal blog than Avclub.

Unfortunately, it would seem we haven’t learned anything.

Verrit is pretty spectacular in that I saw everyone making fun of it like a week before I knew what it was and I had no context and thought it was a hipster band or something.

Some days I really think the internet was a mistake.

You’re right, and that’s why I do choose not to watch his bullshit. I don’t go to KKK meetings either, but I’m within my rights to voice my opinion that they downright shouldn’t exist. I am also within my rights to voice my opinion that I think he’s a heel and shouldn’t have a job anymore, just as it’s within your

Methinks you missed the sarcasm.

Fundamental libertarianism is very unpopular period, regardless of the political demographic, and has taken a divergent evolutionary path from the various strains of political thought that inform the modern American left, to the point that I really don’t think they’re compatible at all, except in a mercenary sort of

Yeah, guys! It’s only an outright nazi who wants to push naziism to our kids! Gahh!

Look, maybe if you made a cable TV series that went from entertaining-if-mildly depressing to head-so-far-up-its-own-ass-its-eyes-are-in-its-small-intestine, you too could get away with a misstep like forcing female comics to watch you masturbate in a hotel room here and there.

Most definitely! I had to re-watch the episode that introduced her character. Lawrence just can’t seem to get it right. He should have stayed with Tasha. That Aparna thing is going to blow up in his face. That old saying “don’t shit where you eat?’

Mrs. Ray-Harris, Tiffy wanted to start some stuff. She wanted some drama which is why she really didn’t spell out what type of party it was. She comes off as a bit too fake to me.

Issa stared at that scorch mark for a good 30 seconds before trashing her apartment. She knows she’s never getting her deposit back.

I assumed Issa wasn’t drinking (at first) because she wanted to be sharp when she ran into Lawrence. When he showed up with Aparna, all bets were off.

That was one frosty birthday party, icicles were hanging off the table, and then Issa struck Lawrence to the bone with the “I don’t see woot woot on my phone” comment. That left a nasty mark.