
Wow, how this site has fallen.

Seriously. This is the longest sentencing I’ve ever seen.

Yeah, that only makes it marginally better unfortunately.

So are you gonna post this on every article or...?


I'm fine with hurting Nazis and White Supremacists, actually. So fuck you for thinking they're even close to the same thing.

I came a little late to the AV Club commentariat party, but it's been fun. May follow you guys to Avocado

Oh God I forgot he got a slice of royalties of Seinfeld. I've been streaming them on Hulu. :( Off to a torrent site.

It's definitely this.

I wasn't even being snarky!

Moldy sourdough?


Yeah because we all know that people pointing out racism are the REAL racists!

Eh. Let's leave ICP out of everything.

For some reason, this citation in the journal article tickled me.

I'm guessing they indexed books based on some baseline year. Looks like they used 1980 (or somewhere around there) as an index

Consider this: fascists and nazis deserve every bit of violence brought against them.

No one's forcing you to stay signed up to netflix you fucking weirdo

Well, you have the reading comprehension I've come to expect from those on the far-right, I'll give you that.

you could just, y'know, not watch you big blubbering baby