who gives a fuck
who gives a fuck
well it affects him directly, so it's classic Republican shit
"They can be terrible overall and have moments of empathy."
God damn you are the most joyless motherfucker.
Everyone on this thread should take a bow.
“I’ve been asked so many times over the years to make a new version of ‘Thong Song’"
Neither one has ever paid for their crimes, so I'm not sure what you're getting at here.
Nah, fuck her.
I finally got a Switch, so I'll be playing a lot of MK8 Deluxe.
A little peeved The Leftovers were snubbed
This just adds to your Aggravation.
I mean, isn't it kind of not a great sign that heroin usage is spiking among the age groups that would've had DARE the first time around?
Seeing as how D'Angelo had a critically acclaimed album about two years ago, yeah.
So she's extorting her for a whopping $75k?
omg lol
You are weirdly obsessed with the man's weight.
i'm thinking Arby's
i just went to the facebook page to comment on this shit and boy are they insufferable