With how much the state Secretaries of State are fighting back against their "electoral integrity" bullshit, I'm hoping this blows up in Trump et. al.'s faces.
With how much the state Secretaries of State are fighting back against their "electoral integrity" bullshit, I'm hoping this blows up in Trump et. al.'s faces.
The fact that it was somehow a controversy that he DATED OTHER WOMEN before he dated Michelle says it all.
Migos are a bunch of fucking punkasses so this doesn't surprise me
It's available on iTunes
From what I hear, it was only available to people who signed up for Tidal before a certain date. So if you signed up for Tidal the day the album came out, you weren't able to listen. That's my understanding anyway.
Eh, that wasn't the most embarrassing thing on this thread.
I was thinking this too.
I don't think Mr. Threepwood wrote it.
I like "How To Rob" and "Rowdy Rowdy", but once GROTD came out I was over 50.
Don't presume on what I fucking paid for my stuff.
The thing about Vinyl is that it really IS a better sound….if you have the right set of circumstances to where your records don't skip randomly. And that's a big if.
check this shit out…..every time he tweets something, someone in his cabinet is doing some nefarious shit. i'm not trying to be one of these "only focus on pop culture" dumbasses that comment here, because I think we absolutely should be paying attention. but…..as a statistician trained to look for patterns, I can say…
i do
hey when I was in jail, we had Oxtail and that shit owned. literally the only good jail food I've had though. but that was county jail. I don't know about prison.
eh a week is nothing
I mean, all that is their wet dream, so I'm assuming it's going ok for them.
Eh. They haven't proofread their articles for at least a year.
Kinda okay with that.
At least they have a story line for season 3 now!