
For me, this is Forza Horizon 3. Absolutely the most beautiful, the most breathtaking racing game I've ever played, but absolutely fucking repetitive after about a week, though here's hoping the Hot Wheels expansion coming out soon breathes a little new life into it.

Catalyst was such a disappointing game. I absolutely agree.

I see plenty of alt-righters threatening to show up armed. So….

Just use her non-union Mexican equivalent.

man I sure am glad that question got asked ad nauseam on anything Girls related

No Bedtime Stories tracks, immediately wrong.

I could SWEAR I saw one about 20 years ago.

hahahahaha you basically proved the first sentence completely correct. Great job.

I miss Futurama too.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but what is it with conservative wackjobs and capitalizing random words?

Yeah, he really had a broken clock moment with that statement. I was like "well…..he's right about that".

it feels a little tasteless to beat up on Shannon Doherty given what she's going through.


no they shouldn't.

So……..the grading widget has 61 A grades and nothing else, but has the community grade as an A-. What gives?

lol that shade towards Meghan Trainor though

Can you imagine how bad the music would've been if Lucian Piane was involved with this episode?

No. They have money standards. Don't be fooled.

great now I want one

I feel like ordering a motherfuckin' iced tea.