
Netflix doesn't respond to anybody, though.

I don't understand the unnecessary digs at Black-ish and The Boondocks.

I keep getting reminders that people getting reminders that the Hatesong feature tells us more about the hater than the hated.

literally said "Five Months Later" after the title card

Great, Blanche, now do Brer Rabbit.

Completely agree. Talk about a one-note character.

So you didn't watch it but somehow know how bad it was. Got it.


SNL had Trump host. You could easily say the same thing about them giving up their right to be political.

I've pretty much assumed that if a brand shows up in a sketch, by logo or name, it's product placement.

Gotta say, the non-Fallon parts of this episode, few as there were, were hilarious. And at least the musical guest didn't phone it in like the Polesmokers or whoever last week.

To be fair, "Good Morning Bitches" isn't exactly a daytime show name either.

"I'm over these shenanigans, if you aren't ready to do great makeup, put together a beautiful outfit, do a challenge and possibly lip sync, YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ON THE SHOW."

No, the C- is very well-earned.

OK, so after this episode, I'm kinda over this show.

Poor little guy was stressed out too. :( I always feel bad when a cat pants like that.

I've been having the same issues for weeks.

He's right.

He had to be at a hospital to work. His time, by definition, is more important that the fat schlub going on vacation's time.

Yeah, that was something that always bugged me. The friendships all went back to normal after the beach house blowup, and it seemed so artificial (and that was perhaps the point). Only Shosh reacted the way I feel someone would