
I watched both specials, twice, and didn't hear any of the jokes you named. Sorry.

i don't know if you've noticed but men's urban fashion has been absolutely atrocious for the last 10 years

Good catch. I missed that haha

Also. "Do you have anything to eat that doesn't have an activity center on the back?"

Was legitimately grinning from ear to ear when Elijah got the phone call at the end.

Jesus, I threw my Last Resort cd away (I know that's not the name of the album) when I graduated high school. A grown man who helps lead our country (not a fan of Ryan) listens to that shit?

Never thought I'd say this but I am legit excited for Girls tonight, given last week. Maybe Shosh will even make her usual 5 second cameo?

You've already posted this and it's still just as wrong.

I don't know who that is, so point taken.

I really hope it's her. She can get on the nerves a little bit, but she's been through a lot and she's endearing in a way.

my thoughts

I thought that was funny, personally. Perhaps not intentionally, but still funny.

Turns out you're both insufferable.

But I'm not even ON your lawn.

Can't Hardly Wait is The 90s: The Movie. How was that not mentioned?

I gotta say I've never seen Gaga cut loose like this. Seeing her laugh and just forget herself for a few minutes on the judges' panel was really fun. I love what this show can bring out of the guest judges.

"Eureka comes off as someone especially desperate for attention."

Terrible job, Internet.

Well, now it's up there lol. Good, I'm glad they aren't dropping it.

The scarf and coat will be obsolete due to global warming, etc.