
They've dropped everything else, I wouldn't be surprised if this is yet another casualty.

For those interested, Season 9 premieres tonight on VH1.

So I noticed RuPaul's Drag Race isn't listed under "Regular Coverage". I guess that's been dropped?

Wheel of Fortune has a porn parody?!

Speaking of a lot of mad:

Deep Space 9MM was El-P only.

thank you for the stupid pro-Trump embedded tweet AV Club

We get it, you don't like her. Now go get a fucking hobby of some sort, because your non-stop comments on this article are kind of sad.

This is absolutely important to note.

Go fuck yourself.

Oh good, an article about Chelsea Handler and one of Donald Trump's kids. I'm sure this will bring out measured, thoughtful, non-vitriolic responses from everyone.

Yes, you're right, fuck you.

I heard "rest in peace" as well and was like "uh…what?"


TV has never been better, so let's just list all the shows that are on instead of actually writing something thoughtful about them!

OK, I read that first part and didn't see what was so bad, and then I got to the apron part. Yikes.

i still can't get avatars to show up on newswire stories

I'm a gay man, and hell, I think I'd do the same

This didn't happen at all, actually.

Also Alec Baldwin has practically been a cast member this season. What was with the audience cheering so hard?