
Oh, c'mon. This was a B+.

Thank you for actually writing something.

Can't get enough bottom-of-the-barrel Buffy articles

That's probably the first scene I can recall where Dennis showed actual emotion.

Hey man, fuck you.

This season has been particularly about providing closure. It's odd, given that they're contracted for two more seasons.

I don't think they would have someone else play Dennis, unless it was meant as a meta joke.

Yeah. I mean, this season has knocked it out of the park. But go out on top.

And then the murders started.

Him being a "DJ" is extremely debatable.

They did that with W and I thought it was gauche. I'd be ok with it this time.

I meant "is it that hard to believe?".

Is it?

Who says he didn't?

That's an interesting interpretation and it definitely makes the character regression make a lot of sense.

Sir, this is a McDonald's drive-thru.

Julie Kavner sounds awful lately. Go ahead and end this show for the good of her voice!

I cracked up at Elijah's "I'm sorry I'm using my pizza hand."

There's definitely been a lot of character growth this season and I love it.

That's fair. He's just such an insufferable character (and that's probably the point). Can't stand him.