
I agree, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't finish them off. My mother used to be really bad about it, and I started lecturing her lol

Why is Desi still on here??? Ugh.

Lol, that introduction. This has fuck all to do with Trump. I don't like him either but please don't shoehorn him into stories that don't deal with him.

that scene just screamed to me that David Simon was like "HEY! REMEMBER HIM?!". i didn't think it had much of a point

That's fair, but it also should say how they shouldn't be assholes to be perfectly honest. I'm a local Louisvillian stand-up comedian. I go dark, i go blue, I go controversial. I've never tweeted "i'm literally scared to date a black guy". I understand that censorship can only go so far, but it's pretty easy to not


You fucking suck, and so does your sense of humor if you so much as thought this was a funny episode.

This is fair. I always thought it was a trite, but well-written, scene. I don't know if I'd call it the worst scene of The Wire. I think any montage of "Boris" jokes could easily be the worst. Or maybe the random scene where Nicky Sobotka shows up in Season 4 or 5.

her Kate McKinnon impression was great, I have to admit. but i think SNL needs to tread lightly on the impressions. they're about to drift into MadTV Frank Caliendo territory.

Sir, this is a McDonald's drive thru.

yeah. I put in D+, because at least everyone was there.

there is no fucking way i'm reading this

It means it was funny once, maybe a second time. You know what it means, sweetheart.

"South Park scene brought to life" isn't exactly an endorsement fyi

Eh. I'm thinking that's reaching "diminishing returns" territory now.

Yeah, Octavia wasn't the issue here. The frustrating part is that all of the sketches had POTENTIAL because they had some really outlandish, funny premises there, but the execution was absolute shit.

Legitimately had to google this, and you'd think those tweets would've been talked about more. Hope she gets fired after this season.

Just out of curiosity, why is that your least favorite scene?

This article basically sums up how I feel about W's resurgence in popularity.

Fuck off.