
Something is happening. I had a quick trip to Sundance this year and women I’ve known for years, who’ve never been able to get their films much attention, are getting standing ovations. Women I’ve known who are hardened by the system broke down yesterday. It’s nuts. I’m seeing some attention on women-centric projects

But, honestly we have to stop piling on misplacing this anger at these people. Predators go to great lengths to lead two lives. And the girls/women they hurt and abuse are so manipulated and twisted up inside....you could be around them and 24/7 and you’d never know. They are masters at hiding the pure evil things



I honestly want to like Lena Dunham, I do, but every time she talks my eyes roll so hard it gives me a headache.

I still had to go to all the castings, I still had to go meet all the photographers, I still had to do all of that to get to where I am now.


“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

I honestly think that all this shit is worse than the suicide forest stuff:

Franco, distilled:

What hit me about this? What keeps hitting me about this? Is the moment Gillibrand said Franken should go, I thought, “Oh. She’s not going to be president after all.” Never mind the fact that at least 25 others also called for his resignation. Never mind that she didn’t, couldn’t, force the guy to leave. He resigned.

Eh, I wouldn’t take it so personally. I had no idea what #TimesUp was, although I had heard of #MeToo. His publicist probably gave him the pin. And it doesn’t help that the reporter didn’t clarify until he was already on the spot. Even if I did know the hashtag, someone coming up to me and going, “TIME’S UP???” is

I work with 17 year-old-girls every day. It’s my job. A lot of them are bright young women who are going to do amazing things, but they’re all in the awkward process of figuring out how to be an adult. They’re become adults, but they’re not adults yet. So yeah, we patronize them. Because they’re kind of still

“The point stands that its years old.”

Aaaaaand here it is, I was waiting for the inevitable article targeting a specific man for his response. And despite the fact that he may have been adequately prepared to discuss it, we’re just not going to mention how Spencer going “Time’s Up on....what?” like he’s three years old may have thrown him off?

I don’t think anybody was expecting a “quick one-liner”. All we’re expecting is a coherent answer.

I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.