
Yeah she made me super uncomfortable with the slinky walk and the looks to the camera. Every time I see her at these awards shows looking like a mini 30-year-old I’m like “where are her parents?”

Red Sparrow sounds like the SNL parody version of Black Swan. Does this have something to do with Black Swan? Didn’t her ex direct Black Swan? why does she look EXACTLY like Ivanka Trump at the 1:42 mark?

I wondered just that. They are trying to sell a story line about a 13 year old diva. Stop, please. Call out the parents for being idiots but do we want to keep creating Lindsay Lohans?

Is this why she’s been acting like a Victoria’s Secret sex kitten since Stranger Things got famous? I think her acting is phenomenal and she’s a super cute kid, but her sexy faces kinda freak me out.

millie bobby brown’s parents are trying to actively make her a star, so they distance her from her co-stars. she hasn’t walked with them at other events either. it’s very noticeable at every event how much the other kids are friendly and just enjoying being there contrasted with how separate and serious she is.

Asked for a quote from Millie Bobby Brown about walking the red carpet without her castmates she said “it’s my prerogative.”

The irony is E! probably thought it would save a bunch of money to let Catt go and get someone cheaper, but the PR fallout from it has been so not worth it.

THIS much!!!

I use Yelp for a lot of stuff, and it’s amazing how you can completely ignore certain one star reviews because it’s 1000% clear that the reviewer/customer was the one being an asshole.

Why is it worth bringing up? Why is it relevant to this woman losing the love of her life in an incredibly painful way? What do you gain by making sure to get a jab at her during what is already an incredibly difficult time?

Apparently “Tealstar” is deleting the comments of people who disagree with their hot take. Classy. Well, since it bears repeating:

I go to the met semi regularly, and a cashier in the past has given me side eye for smiling and paying what I wanted, but I’d say out of 20 visits it has happened once - hey, everyone has their bad days I guess.

The funny thing is, I’ve never read Gilbert’s books but I have listened to her as a guest on a few different (McElroy-related) podcasts and she always seemed like a delight. So this hate in the comments is mystifying.

It is interesting to see everyone mention how they can’t stand Gilbert. Which is totally fine, but just seems completely unnecessary to bring up in this context.

That Jennifer Hudson story is infuriating. I can only imagine how business-class ready she looks for planes, too. I bet she wears gorgeous creme-coloured sweaters and has some luxe buttery leather carry-on bag. With a shiny blow out.

No way new yorkers are assholes? How shocking!

Also, I really appreciate having another former VS person on this thread. <3

Yeah. My favorite is the folks who complain “Well, they wouldn’t let me in for free so they were rude.” Um, no, they wouldn’t let you in for free because it’s not free. It hasn’t been free for decades, you can pay what you want but you must pay something. They were literally doing their jobs.

Yeah, I never got that. Why would the cashiers give a shit that you only paid a dollar? They’re not pulling a commission, for Christ’s sake.

Thanks, but I worked customer service and retail for 10 years in NYC, so I have plenty of experience to compare to. The worst experiences I ever had were in the Met.