Tequila Mockingbird

Coconut lime popsicles - coconut milk, sugar, lime juice. Pretty darn tasty.

Yes, especially because so many people don’t know how horrible Scientology is and think it is somehow legit.


Or a necklace.

Weird. It’s almost like they’re focusing on all the wrong stuff.

My BIL said “Obama can’t make me pay for health insurance!” and I said “You already pay for Medicare...”

Yeah, probably would have been better for everyone if she and my niece had starved.

I wonder if she would rather have had her child starve.

Like my sister, who was such a coke fiend she lost her house in the 80s and who was on public assistance because her dumbfuck husband was in prison who NOW believes “People on public assistance should be drug tested.” Like that?

Is it any wonder that we’re not getting paid what we’re worth, when even leaving a basic negotiating tactic like “Make them name their price first” is treated like “You’re stealing milk from babies”?

I’m old, so I will let you in on a secret I have learned: much of life just consists in putting one foot in front of the other, failing and learning from failure. What your resume/CV lack in substance, you can make up for by being speaking about the work you have done with knowledge and passion.


Oh please.

I learned a hint for saving money on Craigslist buys: When you see the item, if you want it, ask “How much were you asking for it, again?” and then wait. They’ll usually say the price, then say “But I’ll take [lower price].” If they tell you the true listed price, wrinkle your brow and don’t say anything for at least

Welcome to life.

You want to see my hymen? Show me your browser history first.

Love it or leave it!

Dog reminds me of someone.

It’s a super secret Muslim terrorist clock, just like Obama is a super secret Muslim communist. It’s so secret that you can’t tell what it is by ordinary means.